…for kim…
Texture Tuesday
by Barb 14 Comments
…for kim…
Texture Tuesday
by Barb 11 Comments
Yesterday I headed outside, fully intending to cut the grass.
Strangely, though, I found myself over by my new potting bench… it has become a magnet for me.
I think I’ve been dreaming about having a potting bench my whole life, and I’ll tell you how it came about. Last summer I wrote down in my journal that I would have one. Then I pinned a couple ideas, and voila…
I’m a firm believer that if you write something down, there’s a better chance of it coming true. There are tons of books written about that theory but for the life of me I can’t remember where I read it first. I think it was Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach, or The Artists Way, by Julia Cameron.
Right now I’m reading The Secret, which of course teaches about the law of attraction. But I digress.
So, early this spring I was at my favourite little country store which I frequent on a monthly basis. It’s there that I’ve been scooping up rustic, custom-made barnwood benches by the handful… I can’t resist them. Each one is so unique, with different colours of lichen clinging to them.
Anyway, I simply asked the owner if the fellow who makes these benches would consider making a potting bench. She replied; not for the shop, but here’s his number. Hmmmm, I was expecting her to take an order or something. But I took it and ran.
After that it was just a series of fortunate events.
I called and asked this fellow if he would consider making one for me. He replied; well, I’ve never even thought of making a potting bench, but here’s what I think: it should be about 5 feet in height, 44-45 inches wide, with a 21 inch deep counter. Add a small shelf in the top part, and a large shelf on the bottom.
Ummm, well, OK (said I) as I crumpled up the little scrap of paper with all my measurements written on it … I could see there was no need to tell him what to do! But what would it cost me?
Well, this is just a hobby for me (said he) but I’d have to charge you $115.00…
… gasp… seriously people, I know of some places that would not charge any less than $250.00… I mean, this thing weighs a ton… and look at the colours of these fabulous lichens!
… and it holds a lot of heavy pots, and gardening essentials…
It was here that I created my little cottage garden/wildflower bouquet. Could there be anything more charming?
So if you are dreaming of a potting bench, or anything else for that matter, I would advise you to get out your journal, or even just a scrap of paper and write it down.
I feel so inspired.
Oh, and yes, I did cut the grass.
by Barb 7 Comments
I took at least 50 photos yesterday, and deleted about 40. I don’t usually have such a poor outcome… but nature, light breezes, and sprinkles of rain can play havoc on a scene.
I did manage to get three insects, which made me happy! Two were taken with my 40mm fixed lens.
This Hemaris Thysbe paid me a visit when I was trying to photograph some lilacs. Well, I failed miserably on the lilacs, but Mr. HT saved the day.
And, one of my favourite flowers, the anemone is in bloom. It’s sort of taking over the garden, and that’s fine with me.
Thank you for stopping by, and here’s to a productive day for all!
by Barb 7 Comments
Yesterday morning as I was sitting at the computer, I started to feel so uncomfortable. I had the windows open and I could hear the birds singing; the sun was shining and there wasn’t a breath of wind.
It became quite clear that I couldn’t stay inside.
I quickly changed into my work clothes, set my camera by the back door (to grab at a moment’s notice), and sprayed myself with OFF from head to toe… the mosquitoes here are brutal. In fact, there had been one buzzing around my head before I even got out of bed. Gah! I hate that! I managed to fend it off for quite a while, but it eventually got me. I know that because I woke up later with an itchy hand.
Anyway, I spent the morning weeding and fluffing up my flower beds. It always amazes me at how fast the plants grow once they get going, and there are tiny little miracles sprouting and blooming everywhere I look.
I potted up my spicy little herb garden that now sits happily on the deck, and dug up a wild strawberry because it was so cute.
A Hemaris Thysbe, and a Canadian Swallowtail Butterfly were buzzing around. They are here because the lilacs are blooming, and I knew it was only a matter of time before these two creatures would grace our yard.
It was a beautiful morning and I am very thankful for all the good things in my life. As most of you know, Kim Klassen is going through a hard time after learning that her husband has leukemia. He is now in a hospital receiving treatment. The doctors have said they caught it early and he should make a full recovery. In the meantime, I’m sure Kim could use our positive thoughts.
For my image, I used kk_teatime from the “minimay” set.
by Barb 12 Comments
The lesson in B2B for Day 14 (or should I say one of the lessons) was on how to stretch your canvas and add words to the side of your image.
I have to say that I really like this format. I had a bit of trouble coming up with a good quote but mostly I didn’t sweat it.
When I saw this little spray of flowers at Safeway, my heart jumped. Such a tiny thing. Surrounded by dozens of colourful roses for Mother’s Day, and I pick these.
I adore them. And I adore the potting bench they are sitting on. I’m afraid you are going to be seeing a lot of that bench this summer. I’ll tell you all about it later… I must get to work on my dinner party. EEK, what am I doing sitting here??!!
Have a wonderful, amazing Mother’s Day weekend, everyone!
kk_3003 (my newest absolutely favourite texture) by Kim Klassen
by Barb 17 Comments
Hello everyone, hope you are well.
I have been so absent as of late. But I’m not going to bore you with all my excuses. I will say that I thought I had better get a post up before I forget how to do it.
Texture Tuesday seems to be my lifeline. It’s one of the things I love to participate in and I usually try to come up with something. It takes me to a place that I wish I could be all the time; simply creating because I love it.
I picked up this glorious hydrangea the other day. It’s just one bloom in a tiny pot. One perfect little bloom. I love it.
Our world is warming up and things are turning the tiniest bit green. As I drove home from town yesterday, I could see that all the willow catkins were bursting out and seemed to be glowing in the late afternoon sunlight. I’m going to pick a bunch this afternoon and take my time arranging them. I am so looking forward to that.
The ice on our lake has finally vanished and that is cause for major excitement around here. We have a little group that places bets on when it will go ($100.00, and you’re in). Hubby didn’t win this time, but that’s OK. We just want to get our dock assembled, and our boat in the water. And we’re hoping for another wonderful summer spent with family and friends.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
For my image today, I used one layer of kk_3003 on soft light. Kim wanted our image to POP, so I bumped up the saturation on the hydrangea and softened the background. Check it out at Texture Tuesday!
by Barb 13 Comments
Yesterday it snowed. Lots. It was actually a mini-blizzard.
As I sat at the computer trying to work, my mind kept wandering. Something was calling to me… something bright, warm, and filled with flowers.
I knew what I had to do. I had to finish up a draft of my next tutorial and send it off to be approved. Then I would have to wait, wouldn’t I? The person who approves it is halfway across the world in Australia and was probably still asleep. This would give me a few hours where I could do whatever I wanted… so off I went…
ah, yes… welcome, indeed
I spent about an hour walking up and down the aisles, dreaming and scheming. When I looked around at other people, they all had a hint of a smile on their face. The saleswoman was wearing a tank top! Oh, now doesn’t she have the best job in the world!? And the smell… the smell of soil after a rain… gah, it gave me shivers…
It’s too early to buy anything for the garden, but I could indulge in one little pot of sweet smelling pansies. It’s now sitting on a rough little wooden bench in my kitchen where the sun pours in all afternoon.
After I left the greenhouse, I headed to my favourite junque shop and stocked up on… (oops, that’s for another post).
I’m joining in on the fun at Texture Tuesday with Kim Klassen. Today we were to use any of Kim’s textures and add some wise words. Well, I’m not so wise, but I loved the quote.
Kim Klassen: Textures kk_3003_2, kk_3003_1
Anna Aspnes: background paper, masks, brushwork, envelope, loop-da-loops
Beads: Amanda Taylor
Vintage Typewriter
by Barb 9 Comments
On one of our last days in Arizona, hubby decided he wanted to go check out a golf superstore and look what we came home with…
Should I feel guilty?
It just so happened that there was a Pier One across the parking lot and I thought it would be the perfect place to spend an hour or so.
When I entered the store, the salesclerk asked me what brought me in. I started to say “well, my husband is over shopping at the…” when she put up her hand and said “say no more!” and we both had a little chuckle.
I started out simply admiring the beautiful displays and began to wonder what it was that made them so amazing (apart from the delicious dishes). I spent 15 minutes just staring at all the different table settings, thinking, thinking.
Then I realized that it was the layering! Tablecloths, placemats, chargers, large plates, medium plates, small plates. And the serviettes! I had never thought of putting two serviettes in one holder. An “aha” moment…
The wheels were turning. I already had a set of white dishes so I could have a little fun here! All I needed to find were a couple of small plates with some white in them. These blue, white, gold, and green ones were just the ticket! I love green so I rummaged around and found two wicker placemats that I really liked–perfect! Of course everything in the store is coordinated so it wasn’t difficult to find two different types of serviettes, and some pretty holders.
Do you like my wildflowers and my target vase? So simple, but so perfect.
I love these colours…
If you didn’t see the tour of our “little get-away” in Arizona, check it out here.
Hubby didn’t get his golf clubs. But no worries… he’s going to get them here at home. He said he was just getting ideas. :)
The Inspiration Gallery at Craftberry Bush
by Barb 8 Comments
As I have said before “I need flowers”. However, our holidays are quickly coming to an end and I didn’t want to spend any money on a bouquet that I was going to have to either give away, or (heaven forbid!) throw away. So off I went in search of wildflowers. These charming Desert Marigolds are growing on the roadsides all over Fountain Hills and I didn’t think it would be a problem if I snipped a few and brought them in to grace our humble abode.
This morning I set them on the little antique chest that has become our coffee table. I love it’s rough texture and peeling paint and the fact that at a certain time the sun streams in and hits it on the corner, creating a perfect sunbeam. No fake Photoshop sunbeam here (although I am not above that).
I snapped the photo with my iPhone and took it into #PicsPlay where I added a filter and the text. Then I added one layer of kk_subtlyyours by Kim Klassen.
Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful Thursday!! Yes, yes, I’m late to the party! :)
My apologies for re-posting this… there were some error messages with the first one and I’m trying to figure out what it was. Thanks so much for your patience. I saved all the comments from the previous post (I treasure and appreciate all of them).
by Barb 28 Comments
Last week, as I prepared for the Easter weekend, I indulged myself once again and bought some flowers.
These tulips were tightly closed but I could see a hint of green mixed in with the pink petals.
They were irresistible.
I could tell that the flowers were going to be frilly, and before I knew it I had put two bunches in my cart.
I did a bit of research on double tulips and read that they are sometimes referred to as peony tulips. I can certainly see why. These remind me of the pink peonies that grace my garden around the beginning of July… am I dreaming? Umm, yes. But what a wonderful dream.
A tulip doesn’t strive to impress anyone.
It doesn’t struggle to be different than a rose.
It doesn’t have to.
It is different.
And there’s room in the garden for every flower”
Marianne Williamson.
Texture Tuesday
by Barb 11 Comments
Hope you are having a wonderful Easter!
by Barb 11 Comments
I just can’t get over the twisting and turning of this hyacinth.
When I bought this plant, it was about 5 inches tall and very compact. I wondered if the flowers would even open up because the blooms were so small and tight.
But what did I know? This hyacinth is just doing what hyacinths do best and it’s happy about it.
I’m inspired.
Texture: kk_edith by Kim Klassen
Word Art, papers: Anna Aspnes
by Barb 25 Comments
I am loving the way this hyacinth is behaving. Very unruly, wouldn’t you say?
Do you ever struggle with what your blog is about?
Some days I act like a food blogger, some days I act like a diy and home decor blogger, and some days I act like a photography blogger, and then I’m an art blogger, and on and on…
My “other” life revolves around Photoshop and scrapbooking, which I don’t feel comfortable sharing here. Not just because of privacy, but because I don’t think this is the right audience for it.
I’ve slowly been categorizing my blog posts so that I can take advantage of the drop-down menu here in WordPress. I think that’s what has me wondering about all of this. I look at a post and think “what the …. is this about?”
I’m having blog angst…
Thank you for dropping by, and please join the fun over at the cafe today!
kk_1402, kk_sybil by Kim Klassen
by Barb 14 Comments
This winter I’ve tried to pick up a bouquet or a pot of flowers every couple of weeks. They certainly are a mood booster as well as a great motivation to get my camera out.
I was so drawn to this pot of daffodils. The flowers with their sunny faces, the lush green leaves, and the textured bulbs were a balm to my winter weary eyes.
Spring is around the corner (I’m sure) but in the meantime I’m happy to have these simple delights.
As I was photographing these, I noticed yet another speck of something on the sensor in my camera. I’ve been meaning to take it to the “shop” to get it cleaned but I haven’t gotten around to it. Lightroom and Photoshop make it easy to avoid such inconveniences.
But now I’m dreaming of a new camera and I’ve been digging around the Nikon site and formulating a list and a plan…
I remember when I bought my Nikon D3000. I didn’t have a single clue how to use it – not a clue. But I took several classes and practice and practiced and practiced. It wasn’t too long before I was out of auto mode and into manual. Buying that camera was one of the best purchases I have ever made, but something tells me that it’s time to move on… and I’m listening.
by Barb 9 Comments
Are you bragging or complaining? That’s the great old question.
When it comes to us Canadians and our weather, I think you could say it’s both. Either way, we certainly love to talk about it.
Over the past 24 hours we received another 20cm of the white stuff. And it’s darn cold out there too.
It looks like January and it feels like January.
So I went for a little drive and brought home a garden in a pot.
Call me weird but I’m loving the dirt and the bulbs as much as that sweet white hyacinth.
by Barb 13 Comments
Well, I’ve blogged another year away, and I want to say thank you to anyone who visited, left a comment, subscribed, followed (here and on fb and google), pinned, tweeted, and/or +1’d me! I appreciate every single one of you!
I started this blog in December of 2010 and I didn’t even know exactly why… until the name ‘Keeping up with the times’ popped into my head. That seemed like a good enough reason – I basically wanted to keep up with the times. I didn’t know the first thing about social media and felt quite out of touch. I’ve certainly come a long way but it’s always changing! however, over the past two years I’ve learned to not be afraid to learn something new or try something different . . . (and my tagline was born).
I’m excited about 2013 and look forward to new adventures – both in cyberspace and in my personal life. Some new opportunities are already brewing – I think I’m going to have a busy year.
I’ve chosen my word for 2013 – it’s not pretty or idealistic, in fact I’m kind of scared of it… I’m going to reveal it tomorrow.
A Happy New Year to all!
by Barb 23 Comments
As I was out in the yard preparing my flower beds for the long winter ahead, I came across these lovely, willowy anemones peeking out from behind some Creeping Charlie (yes, my garden has deteriorated to the point where that creepy weed has almost taken over).
What a nice surprise – I think I love these more than a dozen long-stemmed roses (but hubby–if you’re reading this–remember, our anniversary is on Friday).
Texture and Word Art by Kim Klassen
by Barb 17 Comments
Whenever there’s a long weekend I always forget what day it is – Tuesday morning seems like Monday morning . . . you can tell I don’t work Mon-Fri, or have children starting school this week.
So now I have to get twice as much done today and here I am playing with textures.
This photo makes me feel peaceful. It’s simple and uncluttered. I love the soft colours, the late summer light coming in the dining room window, and my favourite antique duck that makes it’s way into most of my seasonal decorating. But before I can really get into my autumn decorating, I have other things to do.
We watched an episode of “Hoarders” on the weekend. I tell you, that show strikes fear in my heart. So I’ve started a pile of stuff that’s destined for Good Will this week. Clothes, decorations that I’ve outgrown, household gadgets – all going to be gone by Tuesday night (or is that Wednesday night)?
I also need to organize my craft room (horrors). It’s a dark little room that I have been avoiding like the plague. But it’s time . . . my stuff has been sitting in there in boxes since early spring.
by Barb 20 Comments
by Barb 23 Comments
Today is the Free and Easy Edition over at Kim Klassen Cafe. It’s also the guest-host day. Sylvia from Cosiness has the honour and it’s not hard to see why. You should hop over to have a look at her work – it’s gorgeous!
Last Saturday we finally made our annual trip to the market gardens. We came home with potatoes, carrots, beets, corn, and sunflowers – 20 sunflowers for $10.00! A simple, guilt-free pleasure.
On the way to the gardens we followed some signs to a garage sale. The house was pretty secluded so there weren’t too many people around. First thing I spied was a set of three old suitcases. Cream coloured leather with a rusty trim. They were in fabulous condition – inside and out and were only $25.00!
Oh, I wanted them – I wanted them bad . . .
But . . . I am amassing quite a pile of photo props and my closets and storerooms are overflowing. This is driving my hubby crazy. He wasn’t in the mood to cart home three suitcases that to him looked like junk (would that I had discovered these suitcases on my own) . . .
After a few minutes I listened to him and my inner voice telling me that I really do have too much stuff. So I walked away. It wasn’t easy. In some ways I regret it – in other ways I don’t. I have lots of props that I haven’t even used yet – just sitting on the shelves making me feel guilty.
So I comforted myself with sunflowers. It is a beauteous bouquet – huge and wild and bright. And I don’t have to find a spot to store them when autumn is over . . .
I went bold today – I used one layer of Kim’s ‘heartfelt’ on multiply.
by Barb 29 Comments
When I got up this morning and checked on a project that I was hoping would get published, I was disappointed to see that it hadn’t been. I had jumped in with both feet and was fully expecting to see it. . . but it wasn’t there. I checked three times.
So I sent an e-mail to see what happened and why wasn’t it published. I think I at least deserve an explanation. I haven’t heard back.
Then I grabbed my coffee and checked in on Texture Tuesday with Kim Klassen. Today there are no rules – you just post whatever you want.
So I set up a little photo shoot of my peonies – they are bursting out all over the place in my garden. Pink ones and white ones. My house is full of them. So beautiful. So fragrant.
I edited them in Photoshop – adjusting exposure, white balance, and contrast. I added a blur here and there and then a white overlay. I’m never completely happy with the way I photograph peonies – I think it’s because I just can’t capture how I feel about them. I wish I could send their heavenly scent out into blogland – then I’d be happy!
OK, wait a minute. I just heard what I said. “If I could send . . . then I’d be happy” . . .
I suddenly remembered a video Kim showed us in the “Behind the Scenes” class. The man said over and over again that if you are expecting a certain outcome, you will be disappointed – every time. He went on to explain why, and what to do about it.
Back to my unpublished project. I did my best. I submitted it to the universe and was expecting a certain outcome – and was disappointed. I can see what’s happening here . . . I think I had better go and watch that video again . . .
Photo Art Friday at Flowers by LeAnne
by Barb 38 Comments
Last Sunday evening after a busy weekend spent with family, I was feeling the same way I always do after everyone leaves . . . a bit lost. I had vacuumed up every crumb, cleaned the kitchen and washed a few towels when I suddenly decided I’d had enough of that – the rest of the house could wait . . . until when? who knows . . .
I was tired and I knew I couldn’t sit down at the computer and attempt to work on a project. But a stroll around the yard seemed quite inviting. I picked up my camera and went outside with just one lens (my 18-55mm), no tripod, no expectations.
It had rained and these pansies stopped me in my tracks – I hadn’t even got off the deck before I was snapping away. I was happy that I hadn’t brought my tripod – I could just try to capture what I was seeing/feeling and not worry about ‘setting up’.
I had to crouch and twist to avoid a cluttered background, my hands were shaking a bit, and I had to use a relatively slow shutter speed since it was quite cloudy.
I don’t know, these just make me feel happy. I’m so glad I let the house go . . .
Texture: iAm by Kim Klassen
by Barb 19 Comments
by Barb 15 Comments
We’ve been having quite the rainy spell lately. Some days it pours, other days it just sprinkles. But it sprinkles all day . . . I’m quite OK with it since I love rain.
Yesterday when the sun came out briefly . . .
I managed to take a walk around the yard and snap some photos . . . chives are one of my favourite flowers in the garden – they are so cheerful and make me think of good cooking . . .
Hubby put up this shed over the weekend – it took almost three days . . .
Isn’t it cute? I can’t wait to get my stuff in there before he gets his stuff in there . . .
by Barb 12 Comments
There is a wild clematis vine growing in the bushes at the front of our house. Ten years ago I remember seeing one or two blossoms on it. This year there were probably more than fifty! I find them very fascinating. This one is on it’s way to going to seed.
I’m (trying) to join in with Rosie at LeavesnBloomStudio on Google +. She is starting a circle for this meme and I want to play. Trouble is, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing . . . so I e-mailed Rosie and she is walking me through the process. She is a treasure! and has helped me with other things (wrestling with fb, for one thing).
I tell you, I am floundering here . . . but I’m determined . . . hope Rosie can stick with me . . .
by Barb 7 Comments
by Barb 25 Comments
Last spring I took a pot of flowers which I had bought at Walmart and stuck it in the garden to add some instant colour. And there it sat, blooming happily all season. However, I did not expect to see any of them again! Granted, it did say the flowers within were perennials but . . . I was skeptical and it didn’t matter anyway so I simply enjoyed them for what I thought would be one year.
So now I have this lovely poppy blooming it’s heart out. There have been about 12 blooms so far and I see no end to the buds. Don’t you just love it when something like that happens? They look almost fluorescent against the sea of green that is my garden. It cheers me every time I walk by.
An unexpected gift.
by Barb 9 Comments
My lilacs are in full bloom. Heavenly. That about describes a lilac . . . and fleeting, that’s another way to describe them. They are positively humming with bees this year, plus we’ve seen two Hummingbird Clearwings hanging around them (a most fascinating moth).
Every year I cut a few lilacs and bring them in, put them in vases and try to photograph them. Let me tell you I have taken dozens (maybe a hundred) shots but have never like a single one of them. Until now. It’s not just Kim Klassen’s textures (which are magical) but I love the composition of this one – a single stem, an old jar, a rock and some florets that ‘fell’ off . . .
I love the text (Kim taught us a little secret from her ‘Beyond Layers’ class on how to achieve that look) but ‘country living’ is just what popped into my head so I went with it.
There is one other thing. One pretty important thing here in this image. Something I am over the top excited about. The backdrop.
I finally painted an old hoosier that I’ve had for at least 15 years (maybe 20 years the way time is flying). Hubby’s parents gave it to us – it was brown with a bright orange interior. As you can see it is now a lovely shade of off-white.
Oh my! I had a fun time painting it – no delicate job this one! Slap it on and don’t worry – what’s a few paint drips? Let it dry for about a week and lightly sand the edges. Love love love it!!
Today I couldn’t post the before and afters . . . I didn’t want to spoil the magic of my lilacs. I’ll show you the transformation later . . .