Another week has flown by, and here it is Friday already. And that means it’s time for “Friday Finds” hosted by Kim Klassen at Kim Klassen dot com.
I think about this all week. Kim’s meme has ignited a fire in me (or should I say, fanned the flames). I’m always hunting around for treasures, and now I get to share them with everyone! I swear, if Kim ever abandons this linky party, I’m going to have to host it myself…
So, anyway, last Saturday I went to our town-wide flea market where I scooped up the best bargain, and I wrote about it here. However, I didn’t reveal my little teacup. Isn’t it ever so pretty?! A lovely lady sold me two cups and saucers for $5.00, and they were just what I was looking for. Oh my, I can’t wait to reveal the other one…
After I left the market, I had to stop for a few groceries. Somehow I found myself in the garden center, and what did I see, but this beautiful, healthy clematis. My plant dies of winter kill every year and I wasn’t sure I was going to replace it this time, until I saw this beauty. I was instantly smitten and “Diana” now resides happily in my garden.
There are just so many “finds” here! A teacup, a flower, and a new location with great light for photos (it’s been there all the time and I just didn’t see it).
Oh, and yes, some more word art! So please help yourself, my friends, and thank you for stopping by!
If you want to see more word art, check out the Word Art tab at the top of my blog.
This word art is available only in .png format, which can be used in both Photoshop Elements, and Photoshop.
Simply click on the graphic above to download. If you have any questions/problems please ask them in the comment section so others can read them and perhaps find help too.
Hi Barb, Wow, I feel as though I have met a new friend in you! Thanks for stopping by to visit my Friday Finds . . . wanted to return the kindness. And, oh how much I love your style! The teacup and the clematis make for such a inviting scene – beautiful light and my favorite shallow depth of field. I’ll be adding your blog to my list of favorite sites for inspiration. Lovely work!
Thank you, Donna! Likewise, I enjoyed your blog immensely!
gasp…… i adore your friday find…. dear friend…..and your photos are exceptional……
Oh my……
the word art is beautiful too……
xo …. Kim
Oh Kim… I’m so honoured… :)
I agree with you – Friday Finds is a great meme and I think about it all week too. Your photos are lovely.
Thank you, Stephanie! Thank you for visiting!
Wonderful word art, would you be willing to share with us the font you used for the portion which reads “but you can buy tea?” I like its strong impact for a script type font. Beautiful overall composition.
Hi Judy! Of course! The font I used is Lovers Quarrel, glad you like my word art!
Thanks Barb, found it and what a surprise to see the fancy flourish seen on the capital letters.
Yes! Cool huh?
Oh! I love your teacup! Although I’m a tea lover and I love teacups, I don’t collect. My mother does, however, and we’re headed there this weekend to celebrate her 85th birthday. I may have to give those teacups another look …
Hi Dotti! Yes! go get those teacups and blog about them :)
sweet and dainty!
Thanks TexWisGirl, for always visiting :)
hi Barb…i love your friday finds. Those vintage teacups are so darling. And i love that calmatis. I was at a garden center several years ago and spotted one that had the same name as mine…Nancy Jean Thompson!!! Needless to say i needed to bring that beauty home with me! Your word art is just delightful…thank you so much for sharing!
Seriously! a clematis with your exact same name – that is fabulous!!
Thanks Barb…I so enjoy your blog, your photos and now your word art. I love clematis also. My best find was one that is evergreen. It is supposed to make it through the winter her in California…I am soooo excited.
Thank you, Claudia! I love to have you visit!
Love the beautiful purple and the color in the teacup. Lovely.
Stopping by from Friday Finds
Thanks so much!
OH MY WORD…this is beautiful….love your blog♥ Thank you for the PNG word art.
Thank you, Laurie! and you’re welcome! :)
Love these photos! And we must be on the same wavelength…I too found (sort of found) a tea cup this week. Actually my plumber found it buried beneath the basement floor in my house. He was digging out a new sump hole and uncovered a tea cup, fully intact. It’s got one little chip and it’s dirty but it has absolutely no markings. The house is around 100 years old but I have no idea how old this cup is. I’m now trying to determine how I’m going to shoot it…it may just have to be in dirt – just like where it came from. So love that clematis! My luck is hit and miss with these beauties.
I’d love to see that, Helene!
You definitely couldn’t pass on the Clematis, so beautiful. Good deal on the teacups :)
Beautifully written…our Clematis has exploded…may need to be thinned out! You inspire me…might have to cut a couple off a photograph in beautiful light, such as you found!
Always love visiting here and seeing what beautiful little finds you are displaying. Glad you decided to try another clematis, so sorry that they do not survive in your area. And thanks sooo much for all your wonderful word art!! Love it!!
Beautiful! Love the flower and the teacup! :)
Absolutely splendid and that word art is spot on!!
Wow, this photo is so inspiring! Pinned!