Some advice taken straight out of one of my favourite books “Simple Abundance” by Sarah Ban Breathnach “A Daybook of Comfort and Joy”. Featuring quotes, poems, meditations, and practical exercises for every day of the year, this inspirational book for women offers thought-provoking suggestions, gardening and decorating ideas, and thoughts on personal fulfillment.
Before we can welcome in the New Year, we need to put the Old Year’s unfinished business – mistakes, regrets, shortcomings, and disappointments behind us. Here’s how: write down on small slips of paper whatever you’d like to forget, then place the slips of paper in a small cardboard box or envelope, sealing in the sorrow and hard luck. Say, “Good Riddance” and toss the box or envelope into the fireplace to burn away the past. If you don’t have a fireplace, toss the bad memories from the past into the trash where they belong. Keep only the good.
Great idea. I am going to do this!