Hello, and welcome to Sunday Sundries Feature for March 6th! Let’s celebrate the work of these four talented artists who tagged their images to #sunday_sundries … we have teacups, coffee cups, pink flowers, purple flowers, moody shots, airy shots, shadows, light, swishy paint and grey granite. Swoon-worthy images!
I have such a hard time choosing just four to feature, but I have to tell you, it’s one of the things I truly look forward to on Sundays and when a grid starts to take shape, I’m positively giddy …

TL: @nan_iga TR: @alme_mela BL: @angela_luck_photography BR: @ehpyle
Thank you everyone for tagging your incredible images!
So what else am I celebrating this week?
- It’s March! Hooray! Winter still has us in its grips, but will have to give in, there’s just no way around it.
- Pink Tulips. Yellow Tulips. Pink and green ruffly tulips. Muscari. Daffodils. African Violets.
- Talking to a friend on the phone and having a good laugh. Finding myself still smiling hours later.
- The pussy willows are beginning to burst and I can’t wait to start gathering them. It’s a bit of a spring celebration for me. I love a sunny and bright, yet chilly March day, when I’m standing in a ditch clipping branches. The buds against the blue sky are so full of promise.
- Dinner with friends.
- Having a life partner who understands me. One who can talk me down when I’m upset, but lift me up at the same time.
- Having a couple exciting projects underway … eek! now I gotta get to work!
I’d love to hear what you’re celebrating … leave a comment and share what moved you this past week.
Thank you for stopping by!
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