My word for 2015 is “celebrate” and I’m already celebrating the fact that a word even came to me this year. Most of the time I struggle for a few weeks trying to think of something, and then give up because I’m simply not feeling it. Strangely, this year, I was out and about and it just popped into my head. Life has been good and I feel excited and hopeful about 2015. I feel like I should celebrate!
However, almost immediately the doubts crept in … my inner cynic … quite frankly there are some things about this world that just do not deserve to be celebrated. So how could I make this work?
I thought maybe a quote would help, so I started searching for something that I could relate to, something that would give me “permission” to celebrate, and I found this by Tom Peters:
celebrate what you want to see more of
Oh yes … that works for me! I can do that! I grabbed a pen and started writing: my life, good health, family, friends, a safe home, good food, peace … I’m going to celebrate my accomplishments (big and small), my passions (blogging, photography, scrapping), everyday moments … I do this anyway, so why not make it my word?
I’ll be reaching a pretty big milestone birthday this year, and rather than bemoan the fact that I’m getting older, I’m going to celebrate. I’m still here … I have interests and goals that wake me up in the morning … eager to start the day, and I have the time and the means to indulge in them. I’m looking forward to 2015, it promises to be an exciting and fulfilling year and I’m going to meet it with open arms!
Do you like the word art in the above image? I love to work with words and I’m in the process of creating a Photoshop brush for my fabulous newsletter subscribers. The download link will be in the next newsletter in January. Not on the subscriber list? Check out the form on the sidebar if you’d like to sign up! I’d love to have you!
So, what’s your word for 2015?
the more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate
This is such an uplifting post Barb! I love your word, and how you are going to celebrate life in 2015!! So far, I haven’t come up with a word, but I’m sure one will appear. The outdoor shot of peonies is so refreshing this morning! Enjoy your weekend.
that quote is perfect. not only be grateful for the good things but celebrate them and push them forward – like snowballs getting bigger and bigger as you roll. :)
I love your word and how well those quotations support your intentions. I’m not quite ready to share my word… but I signed up for Ali Edwards’ class this morning. I’m excited to participate again!
I like your wordart and look forward to all that you will be sharing.Blessings for the New Year.
Gorgeous photo. Gorgeous font. And great quote to follow through on. Blessings on your new year!
That is the perfect word! I haven’t even thought of my word for next year!
What a lovely shot Barb! I decided to forego the One Word this year, seems I put too much on my plate and set myself up for failure. I’m planning on just gliding through 2015 by the seat of my pants and see what comes. Of course I’ll be scrapping and shooting but taking one day at a time this year.
Wishing you the Happiest of New Years!
I love the one word bandwagon!! Gorgeous edits I’m getting on that list!!
I love your word Barb, I’m thinking maybe “blessed” might be mine, not 100% sure though !
Barb, I love the word you have chosen for 2015 and your joy comes through as you tell us all about it. The shot is gorgeous and yes I like the font very much. I look forward to all you are going to share with us in the new year….
Celebrate is a super uplifting word. Not only can you celebrate the big things but each day find a little thing to celebrate. My word for the year is transform…to change the outward appearance..or the inner too. I am getting a new kitchen which is the outer. But also trying to add more joy in my life. Beautiful flower picture. I must join your list.