I come from a long line of women who loved to cook and bake, and I’m thrilled I was able to pass this love on to both my daughters and now to my granddaughter.
As for my granddaughter, the love was most likely passed on from her own mother (I’ll take a bit of credit) but, as my daughter says:
There’s a new dawn in my home and I’m in love with it. I have a daughter who loves to bake as much as I do. And this is amazing to me. I love that she wants to be in the kitchen and takes pride in her baking. But not only that, to have someone contributing to the meals and homemade snacks in our family takes such a load off of me. It has always been important to me that my family eats mostly homemade meals and baked goodies. It’s the way I was raised, so really it’s all I know.
Ya gotta love that …However, as I get a little older (ahem) I seem to have lost a bit of the zest for cooking and baking I once had … and I’m a bit sad about it. I think a lot of it has to do with having less energy, and having to decide where I want to spend that energy (maybe more on photography, or gardening?)
Whatever it is, the hubs and I still have to eat, and I want us to eat good, healthy, homemade food. Side note: that’s why I’ve created the new blog Sub-Category Cooking For Two where you’ll find goodies like my special Maple Walnut Salad Dressing, or the Freshest Turkey Soup Ever. And I do have some coping strategies (tip below*)
So when (in a very weak moment ;) I invited some friends over for brunch I started to panic a bit.
What the heck was I going to make? Oh, the bacon/sausage/egg part was easy. Ditto for the fruit salad. But I needed to have a bit of home baking (because my friend always does) and I was a bit bored with my trusty standbys like Buttermilk Oatmeal Muffins.
Then I remembered seeing some mouthwatering Morning Glory Muffins on my daughters blog, and ta da! Problem solved!
They were actually made and perfected by my granddaughter and I knew I couldn’t go wrong.
Coping Strategies*
Because our guests were arriving at 10:00 am and I knew I had lots to do, I prepared most of the muffin ingredients the night before. I measured the dry ingredients, sifted together the flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt. I shredded the carrots, toasted and chopped the nuts, and retrieved my homemade apple sauce from the freezer so it would thaw. Preparation is key, folks! I even set out the muffin tins and lined them with paper muffin cups.
I was up early the next morning and had them in the oven by 8:00 am. The house was filled with the scent of tantalizing freshly baked muffins, and I was pretty pleased with myself.
And the best part? I now have about a dozen muffins tucked away in the freezer for the hubs and I that I can pull out on a moments notice. The perfect strategy for cooking for two.
It also helps to have a man who tells you to get out of the kitchen so he can clean up! xo
When I had a family to care for, nearly all of our meals were homemade, but cooking has never been one of my favorite pastimes. Since I’ve been on my own, I’ve had even less interest in cooking, since it’s even less “fun” without an audience to share and appreciate it. But suddenly, just the past few weeks, I’ve found myself experimenting with new recipes and enjoying it a lot. And now my freezer is stocked with lots of leftovers in single-serving containers, which is really terrific for those times when I really don’t have it in me to make something from scratch.
Thank you so much León! It’s really a game-changer to be prepared, isn’t it! So happy to hear you are trying new recipes and have your freezer stocked! Maybe it’s spring fever! xo
Where do you find such a man? lol
The pre-organizing doesn’t surprise me at all Barb. Of course you laid everything out, and it was spectacular I’m sure.
I can relate to “how you want to spend your energy.” There are days where I don’t cook at all and let my husband fend for himself but I’ve grown so used to getting supper on at 5:30 that I’m on autopilot.
I’m in the mood for some baking today, and I know just where to find a muffin recipe-Thank you!
Oh ha! he’s a keeper for sure Kathy! Yes I hope you try the muffins – they’re amazing!
Oh Mom, this is so lovely! I certainly did get my love of cooking, baking and all things homemade from you. xoxo