Winter vegetables … what would I do without you? You last forever, you don’t cost much, and you’re delicious!
I had an image in my head when I was photographing these, but it just didn’t happen … However, I decided to post anyway because the real story here is that I was able to get this posted from my new computer. When I jump into something, I do it with both feet. I spent almost the whole day yesterday setting up a new catalog in Lightroom. I’ve figured out a new file structure and import system using what I’ve learned in Kim’s classes, from Round Trip, LR Begin, 31 Days, and Start to Finish. A veritable gold mine of information!
I’ve set up top level, and sub-keywords, which keeps my list so neat and tidy … my other attempts in keywording have ended in a disastrous mess, but truthfully, that’s not hard to do because it is tricky, and it’s confusing if you’re not paying attention.
Anyway, I guess I just described a geek’s happy and productive day (I say that with complete respect for geeks.)
I must say these veggies were delish but I ended up with a stomach ache … not sure why but I think I ate too many … it was all I had for dinner and I’m still not hungry 12 hours later.
One last thing, I’ve been working without a mouse since I’m still setting up my computer and haven’t got all the accessories. I’m courting disaster because I’m a fumble fingers with track pads and could drag things out of sight and out of mind in a second … Kim suggested I get a tablet … hmmm… going to have to look into that.
Anyway, that’s it for today. I have a special guest poster tomorrow for “app” happy wednesday and I’m so excited! She does incredibly beautiful work with apps and I’ve never seen an image of hers that I haven’t loved. I bet you can guess who it is …
See you then!
I love how you just forge right ahead with your new laptop..which is how I did when I switched. I figured it would all work out, in case i did mess up (which I did in LR, but got it all cleared up thanks to Kim’s classes). Hope you are feeling better this morning. Your roasted veggies look so good. I like the browned goodness the best especially on carrots. Have a wonderful day Barb!
Your images are so warm and comforting!! Hope you’ll be feeling better soon.
I cannot work without a mouse so I admire you for even trying!
Another great minds thinking alike, in roasted vegetables today. :) I love the look of your beets must try roasting them, I already know how much I love carrots roasted so I need to try beets that way. Really love that first one with the worn and well used cutting board, gives so much texture with love.
I’ve never thought of beets and carrots as winter vegetables. Yukky squash comes to mind first. I could live on beets however. Glad your Mac transition is going smoothly. See ya tomorrow!
roasted carrots? yum!
Love roasted winter vegetables, I’ve never tried beets. One of the biggest problems I’ve come across in LR keywords is spelling mistakes. I really must learn to take a little more time when doing them.
Love your warm, yummy images. I love roasted veggies too – I’m making roasted brussels sprouts to go with my dinner tonight!
Glad that you mentioned App Happy Wednesday – I’ll be back tomorrow!
The roasted veggies do look good but in all things: moderation. :-D I’m like you, it’s either all in or none. I’ve been waiting for about 6 weeks to install a new EHD; I waiting for when I can devote uninterrupted time to it. But I need to do it by Jan. 1 because that’s when I plan to start a new LR catalog and use that space instead of my too-full hard drive and also too-full existing EHD. So all in it will be. Sorry, I can’t help you sort out the Mac questions. Good luck!
These veggies look so delish! I have used Lightroom since I began photography six years ago. I also use Photoshop, but all my images are brought into LR first because I love the catalogue system and the ability to make minor edits.
Barb, You are a brave woman, and I wish I lived right next door. I’d pay you to become my tutor and help me finally get the hang of LR, and a Mac and an iPhone, too! You really are keeping up with the times, and you should be proud of your efforts! I am very keen on organization and so you day sounds fun to me! Your photos of the carrots and beets are gorgeous, but I’m sorry you ended up with a stomach ache. I have issues with acid reflux and have to watch what I eat carefully (I lost about 20 pounds over the last year which really helped). Anyway, hope you are feeling better by this evening. Even though I don’t use apps, I’ll still swing by tomorrow and see what’s happening here!
I bought my final new computer this year…with touch screen. I have a laptop, tablet, but I still enjoy my desktop the best. My new one is the all in one, which lots said don’t do it, but I did and I love it. Has touch screen and the windows 8.1 that everyone said was terrible, and it isn’t. Glad you’re jumping right in with new techy things. When I worked (and that started with the dark ages of computers before windows was even heard of), I was often told that I wasn’t scared enough of the technology of the computer. However, I figured we had a large group of techies that would bail me out when I goofed. :)
yay barb for getting a new system in place. i know that it can be so frustrating and time-consuming. but it’s so nice to get a fresh start sometimes. i’ve actually been thinking about starting a new catalog as well after the end of the year. so fun to be able to come here and geek about about stuff like this with you. :)
Wonderful. Roasted veggies . . . look so delicious. My cooking is microwave. My oven hasn’t been on for about 15 years. However, I do go out to eat now and then.
The color combination of the beets and the carrots is beautiful, especially when you sprinkle in a bit of rosemary and set it all up on a worn cutting board. Great work, Barb!
you’re amazing Barb! I’m in awe of such business… I hadn’t visited your blog for a few days and this morning there’s so much to read and to look at! four new posts with a lot to read and gorgeous pictures to admire! you’ve done your “egg and butter” so beautifully (I haven’t done mine until now…), love also your post with the nice green cup and saucer and the beautiful desaturated pictures of them… it’s always so interesting to read about you and the way you manage your time in a so well organized way… yesterday’s pictures are mouth-watering with these roasted veggies… I’ve never tried cooking them in the oven but I think I’ll try soon. I admire you being able to manage with technical issues… I wouldn’t be able to set a new computer or laptop or tablet without the help of my son!
I’ve never tried roasting either beets or carrots, but your photos make me want to try ! They’re truly wonderful ! I hope you feel better :) You have done so well with your lovely new toy, enjoy !