A few weeks ago I was invited to take part in a blog tour. Each blogger is to answer four questions about themselves and their work.
I agreed so here we go!
What am I working on?
Rather than say I’m working on some exciting post for my blog, I’m going to keep it real and tell you that most months my first priority is to write and produce a video tutorial for Digital Scrapper. From inception to completion it dominates my mind, my time, and my energy.
While the technical aspects have become easier, the hardest part remains “what am I going to teach?” Has not every single thing been written about Photoshop? Well yes it has, but it’s my job to take a technique and turn it into something that comes directly from me; from my knowledge, my experience, and my creative centre.
But do you know what I’ve come to realize? It’s not just about the perfect tutorial. It’s about community. It’s about the lovely people who try my tutorial and proudly post their creations in the gallery. It’s always a thrill when someone tells me they’ve learned and grown as a result of something that I’ve taught. That’s what keeps me going.
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
As far as my blog goes, I’ve accepted the fact that it’s a little bit of this and a little bit of that—nothing extraordinary.
In my scrapping and photography and writing I like clean, simple, and to the point and while I’m drawn to many styles, white space makes my heart sing.
Why do I write/create what I do?
Over time, I’ve realized that I love to share what I’ve learned. There really is no better way to learn than by teaching!
I’m influenced by the world around me. I see a pretty flower and feel inspired to capture its beauty and share not only the image, but how I captured or edited it. If I find a great recipe, I share that.
Because I love phone photography I started the weekly link-up “app” happy wednesday, where people can share their artwork and give tips on how they used different apps. It’s a very caring and accepting community I hang around with and they inspire me every day to keep on keepin’ on!
How does your writing/creating process work?
I started blogging with the intent to keep my mind active, and literally to “keep with the times”… so here you will find posts on photography, Photoshop, baking, and gardening. I also share my experiences with the technical aspects of blogging, from moving to a self-hosted web site to Setting up a WordPress Gallery.
I’m mostly an “in the moment” blogger.
I work best when sharing things that are going on with me right now. That’s pretty obvious really … you don’t see too many Christmas tree decorations in May … you see salads, and herbs, and flowers.
I usually start writing in WordPress. On occasion I’ll make a few notes on my calendar as I get ideas but later they just look like cryptic scribblings and I can’t remember what they were about! So, I have to admit I kind of fly by the seat of my pants!
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Thank you, Barb, for being part of the virtual blog tour! I loved getting to ‘know’ you better! It’s always interesting to see how others think, work, create. We’re all so different yet the thing that connects us is our passion for what we do and the joy of sharing it with others. I think that’s what shines through on your blog: the joy of sharing it with others.
I love your post Barb! Your images are quite lovely, as always. I lost my coffee when I read the part about making notes for yourself and then not remembering what they were about………I do that ALOT myself. As a matter of fact, I opened my notebook lastnight and found 2 pages where I’d made a note as a reminder to do something on my blog and could NOT make any sense out of them at all……..sigh.
Oh well, that’s part of life now “as I know it”. So we must go on. LOL
you share art in your photos. pure, creative art. :)
Your blog (AND instagram) are always such a fun and inspiring place to visit. You leave me in awe constantly.
Snap Barb I’m one of Dotti’s virtual bloggers too !!! Lovely, lovely….
Oh my Barb I love your last image to pieces, it is just drop dead gorgeous. Way to go girl, that should be in a place of business for sure.
I’ve always loved your digital scrapbook pages…they’re so clean and so beautiful! Of course, I’ve always love your photography. The last image is simply stunning!
I loved reading this and always your photography!