Yesterday I was on a bit of a rant about how I store my still life props here in Arizona. Well, to the person who asked … this is how:
and this … The answer is “most of my props are part of the decor.” Granted they are not always looking so perfect, but whose home always looks perfect?
Early mornings as I have coffee, I enjoy these sunny vignettes:But who wants to see door knobs in a still life? I tend to try to keep mine out ;)Most of my props are part of my daily life. I live with them. Some are hidden behind closed doors (looking all tidy.) But that chair I just picked up for $15.00? We use it. It’s not only stunningly beautiful, it’s sturdy.Much of our furniture is rustic and doubles as backgrounds:Alright. Truth: workhorses such as extra backgrounds, vases, tins, rocks, and branches are stored out of sight.
I have two shoe boxes on a shelf in the laundry above the washer and dryer. I have a plastic tub in a closet in the spare room, and I store vases in a cupboard in the garage.
We do have a lot of extra space around here (which could enabling hoarding.)
The garage storage doesn’t look bad … and this is 4 years of collecting. I have a thing for vases and containers of any kind for holding flowers and branches.
So, no. I haven’t conquered my obsession of gathering and acquiring props for still life. But my choices have changed. I can tell you I’ve been in Winners and Home Goods and Marshalls many times since the end of February, and I’ve purchased only a fraction of what I used to. I’m not saying people shouldn’t shop at these stores – it’s simply a choice I made and this blog is keeping me accountable.
As I said in my first post, it’s the garage sale items, the cast-offs, and the Goodwill goodies that I’ve become addicted to. That is not the problem since it’s a fantastic form of recycling. The problem is #1 where do I store the stuff, and #2 how much energy do I want to spend on acquiring, storing, and organizing. Right now I’m enjoying myself, so why did that person’s comment put me in such a defensive mode?
I’m slowly coming to the conclusion that guilt is part of this hobby, and maybe I should simply accept it.
Alrighty then!
I will allow myself to feel the guilt when I hand over a dollar for an old rusty tin. Then I will feel the guilt when I bring it home and stick it in a cupboard.
Guilt, my constant companion, you are welcome.
I hope you’ll join me next time when I talk about my fabulous painted background that makes door knobs and other unsavoury items disappear ;)
Read Part III
Liz says
I absolutely love your old tables and the chair! I adore the old books and the vases!! I’ve been avoiding collecting things like this as I don’t like clutter, but your images have reignited my yearning for old things.
I’m going to look around now… I will tell my hubby that your blog is the culprit. Haha!
Barb says
Thank you Liz! ;)
Cheryl M says
I’m much like you Barb, my props are used throughout my home. I will say that if you must accept the guilt, please do so………because you sure make some awesome still life shots with your “treasures”!! LOVELY! Looking forward to your painted background post!!
Barb says
Thank you Cheryl! I so appreciate your stopping by and commenting too!
Barbara Carroll says
First of all, it made me so happy to see that canvas because I know where you took that shot. I have made almost the same mindset switch as you have. I have to live with this stuff. I don’t have a lot of storage space and I have managed to fill it up very well, thank you. I have just become more thoughtful with my purchases. So nice to catch up with you here. I hope I’ll see you in Tucson again when it cools off.
Barb says
Hi Barbara, I love that you noticed the canvas and I have very fond memories of that day. I hope we meet again soon!
Suzanne says
Forgot to mention in my last
comment that I’m also an
aficionado of GW, vintage and
junk stores. I love to consider
the stories behind each item
that I acquire and yes, the price
is usually very right.
My youngest will be a senior in
HS next year, so my hubby and
I are definitely in paring back
mode as we consider where we
will live next. I really love your
sweet AZ home — it’s as lovely
as I imagine that you are, too.
Keep collecting what makes you
happy, as it makes your readers
and IG followers happy, too : )
xo Suzanne
Barb says
Thank you for your sweet words Suzanne – I always love to read them! xo
Lynda Adlington says
Hi there, have not long been a follower of KK and a member of the ‘one year on’ group, ( found you all through somebody in my photoartistry group with Sebastian Michaels, mentioning KK )
so am really doing s lot of catching up with you all at present. Love your blog and found it so interesting – you reallly don’t have to worry about collecting ‘stuff’ I’m a gold medalist at it :-) and actually don’t feel too guilty. I’ve found that things that I bought years ago suddenly have their time in the spotlight and almost everything i buy will be used in my photography at some stage ( my husband might not agree with this statement of course) We recently moved house last July and i have a barn full of boxes still to be unpacked but my it will be so exciting. My memory isn’t so good so everything will be like seeing it again for the first time :-)
Barb says
Totally love your attitude Lynda! thank you so much for your support ;)
Ginny says
Love this story and I can’t wait to hear about your painted backgrounds. Feel proud that you are giving such a loving home to all your collection.
Barb says
Thank you Ginny! xo
Kelly Kardos says
Gahhhhhhh-Thank you for giving us a peek into your beautiful AZ home. Very cozy and I like your style…especially when your props are actually your home decor.
Barb says
Thank you sweet Kelly! xo
Kelly says
I’m right there with you. I see all these cool things I want, but then think… ‘where the heck am I going to put that after the shoot?’ If it won’t work in the house, I won’t get it. Although, truth be told… twice I have bought something, shot it and returned it. Confession is good for the soul, right? ;)
I love seeing your AZ house too! My Mom lived in Prescott for 4 years. Wild boars and cactus. :)
Thanks for sharing.
Barb says
Thank you Kelly! I actually just heard about that idea (of returning things!) I think it’s something to keep in mind … bring it home, shoot it, and if it isn’t just right return it … no harm done ;)
Lisa says
Loved this. Thanks so much for sharing. I am not alone. :)