Last week when I purchased a pot of hydrangeas we were four days from packing up and leaving Arizona to head back home (a 2900 kilometre drive). We were also expecting our oldest daughter for a visit and had made plans that would fill just about every minute she was here. From the Grand Canyon, to shopping, to hiking, there was not going to be much time to appreciate these beauties.
So … the story … we were in Fry’s grocery store getting a few provisions. It was just before Easter, and their flower section was full to overflowing with magnificent blooms of all kinds including massive pots of hot pink hydrangeas.
As I picked one up and put it in our cart, my head was telling me not to do it. But my heart was saying yes, yes, yes. So I did. And for a few short days it sat on our rustic side table, bringing beauty and life into our townhouse. I had no regrets.
But when it came time for us to lock up and leave, I was having a hard time imagining throwing it out. Oh, I could have given it to a neighbour, or left it for the lady who checks our place. Both options would have been good ones. But … I wanted those hydrangeas. And why not?
Well, one of my main fears is taking any type of organic material across the border. We travel a lot, and the last thing we want is a hassle at the border so there is nary a thing in our suitcases or vehicle that could be cause for us to be pulled over (either at the airport or the land crossings.)
But this particular morning I felt it was time to assert myself and take a chance. So I cut the flowers off the plant and stuck them in a bucket of water … and … 2900 kilometres later here they are, sitting on my garden table in the dining room!
It seems like such a small thing, I know … but what the travelling hydrangeas taught me is that I have to think for myself. Take chances. Just do it (no apologies.) Truly, this is about as rebellious as I get … and that tells me I need to be more rebellious!
The guard at the border didn’t even ask the standard “fruits, vegetables, or meats?” question. He was only concerned that grammy and grampy might be transporting firearms or liquor ;)
You might also like:
How to Care for Freshly Cut Hydrangeas (one of my most popular posts!)
Anita says
Barb those hydrangeas are dangerously beautiful! Lived your post
Anita says
Loved your post
Barb says
Thank you so much Anita :)
rosa veldkamp says
They are gorgeous Barb! And you are a braver woman than me. . . ;D
Barb says
So funny Rosa! I thought it was a bit lame (my rebelliousness ;) but now I feel like a boss lol!
rosa veldkamp says
You should! I wouldn’t have dared!
Kathy Pardell says
I totally believe you would do this Barb. There’s a little rebel in us all. I would have done the same. Enjoy your beautiful blooms my dear!
Barb says
Thank you Kathy! the thing is … I would have ‘fessed up, but no questions were asked :)
Juila says
Thank you for this post!
León says
Good for you, Barb! Flower power! :-)
Barb says