On Wednesday I joined the ladies for a day of photographing the beautiful doors and windows in the Barrio Viejo in Tucson. What a magnificent photo opportunity! Everywhere I looked there were colours and textures and shadows and light, all coming together in hundreds of different ways. Already I know I need to go back there because I’m quite sure that I could take ten photos of this wall and come up with something new every time. Something I didn’t notice, or that wasn’t even there (like shifting sunlight and shadows).
If I had to pick a favourite, it would be this door. I didn’t get the photo that I wanted, so there you go – I have to return …
Just look at that texture!
Just look at that Deanna!
I loved this one for some reason …
Oh, and this … I love this …
But look at this little cutie! what? the cat? or Terri?
Is it not an amazing world we live in? When I started blogging over 3 years ago, did I know where it would take me? Did I anticipate I would find myself in Tucson with 5 other women photographing doors and windows and cats? Ummm, that would be a resounding no … .
But there I was, and from the moment we all happily greeted each other in the parking lot to the moment we said our sad good-byes I was marveling at this incredible turn of events.
If not for blogging I would never have found Deanna S, Teri P, Barbara H, Barbara C, and Cindy C; a group of women who share not only a passion for photography, but a passion for life and a passion for sharing that life with others. We shared what lenses and cameras we prefer, what editing programs we use, and little tidbits and insights into our own lives.
There have been times in my life where I felt like flotsam and jetsam (true story, I even said it). But definitely not for many years since I discovered the world of photography, and Photoshop, and blogging. So if you’re feeling at a loss, find a passion and find the kindred souls that share that same passion. Take chances. Follow dreams. You never know where it will take you.
The colors and textures of Tuscon look amazing! You captured them wonderfully! I love all the doors.
I agree! Blogging is great! Photography is better!
I love that you put up your iphone images I should have thought of that I am still so tired only uploaded my camera images yesterday to my mac. These look so good big rather than on the little iphone screen love seeing Terri in the background reflection good catch. Such a pleasure meeting you and so glad you are going to have some great weather this coming week before going back home. Can’t wait for more Barb. I need to rest up a couple more days before opening up PS but do love what I got. Amazing how old doors can look so… good.
Fabulous!! The photos, and the friends! I do love doors, and these are simply fantastic – colors, textures. So happy for you and the group to be able to meet and enjoy some kindred spirit kind of time. The blogging world truly is amazing!
I too, love to take pictures of old doors!! These are magnificent!! Beautiful! What a fun day you must have had!!
an awesome set, barb! some real beauties. the 3rd photo with the curvy tree made me go ‘ooh, la, la!’ :)
The photo of the blue window and door on the left is my very favorite. All are grand, though. What a great experience blogging can be. :)
Thank you for sharing your excursion and your wonderful pictures. Isn’t it ironically interesting the subject of doors, the fascination with these visually scrumptious real doors juxtaposed with the concept of opening doors in our lives to see where they lead. I am finally discovering the community that is here in the blogashere. Hurray for us!
Gorgeous doors and windows, Barb, the textures and colors are amazing !
So nice you all had a great time …
Enjoy the weekend,
I do love those shadows! Such awesome colors! So jealous! Know your time was sweet I’ll bet.
Oh, I just love these, Barb! And by golly, I’m going to get in on the next Arizona excursion come hell or high water! Yes, that is Terri in the reflection of that one shot. I’ve met all these gals except you and Barb C. In fact, Terri, Deanna, Cindy and I all rode together to and from Phoenix when we attended Oasis in 2012. And, no, when I started photography and subsequently blogging, I never, ever dreamed for a moment where it would take me. I certainly never dreamed I’d fly alone to Phoenix to meet up with the other three gals; or to Chicago for our meetup last summer; or to Galveston for our meetup next fall. I never dreamed I’d have a collaborative blog. And I certainly never dreamed I’d meet such wonderful people online as you … and I truly hope we can meet ‘for real’ before much more time elapses. Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Oh, this just put the biggest smile on my face, Dotti! Come hell or high water – YES! we will meet!! I had such a wonderful time with these ladies – I’m still on a high of happiness!!
Oh my goodness, I would have been like a kid in a candy shop, with all of those beautiful doors to photograph.
Definitely a reason to return, Barb!
Happy Sunday to you!
The door is so unique – this place is enchanting! I love the photo of the cat and tha shadow of your friend in it – beautiful photos.
Blogging is a wonderful hobby – I have also learned so much from creative and talented blogging friends – I always get inspired when visiting you here, Barb.
Enjoy the weekend,
I recently went there for the first time to do some photography. Got a collection of door pictures Am looking to do some research on the doors and ran into your blog . Really enjoy it.