I’ve always taken classes, everything from macrame to floral arrangement to photography. I just finished a six hour class on photography essentials at our local college. I’ve had my DSLR for over a year and only now felt like I would really benefit from something like this. Our instructor went over RAW, ISO, white balance, histograms, and exposure compensation with a bit of post-processing in Photoshop to finish up. I was afraid to take this class, to spend the money, to assert myself in front of what was most likely to be young(er) people. Granted, I had taken a few photography classes on one of our cruises and I am quite familiar with Photoshop (a future post) so I did have a leg to stand on, so to speak. You just have to believe in yourself (cliche, I know) and get out there and do it! I’m practicing what I learned – at the moment only about 1/2 of my photos are turning out the way I want them to using any mode other than auto but so what! what does a digital image cost if you don’t print it? I’m so inspired I’ve registered for another class, “The Art of Digital Photography” and it runs from January 25 to March 15 – 3 hrs/week. I cannot wait and there is no fear in me now – it’s full steam ahead!
White Admiral 30/06/2010
Nikon D3000 145mm F/10 125s ISO100
Welcome! Lovely, I love this photo! You do have a talent!
Thank you, Jo!
Looking forward to blogging!