I’m offering a free template to use with your autumn photos! Please enjoy … for personal use only!
It’s a *fully layered psd template, compatible with Photoshop Elements, and Photoshop.
As October draws to a close, most of my autumn photo opportunities are over. Our “show” starts early, and ends early.
This year I was particularly inspired because our weather was warm, dry, and calm, which resulted in some spectacular colours. I also had a my new D7100 to play with, and oh, does it ever do bokeh well! I’m excited for (then next season) and another chance to rock the bokeh!
I made up a template to showcase some of my favourite shots, and you can get it here for free!
It’s a *fully layered psd template, compatible with Photoshop Elements, and Photoshop.
*For personal use only
Happy Halloween!!