Welcome to Part II of my Catalina Highway, Mount Lemmon Trip Review!
If you like, you can read part I here.
As we headed further up the Catalina Highway, we started to feel hopeful as small pockets of yellow started to peek through the pines.
These are just teasers!
And then, goodness me … yes! How amazing are these carved tree trunks! At first I was dismayed at the damage, but then I began to think otherwise, what do you think? Check out the beautiful sunlight, peeking through brilliant yellows leaves against an impossibly blue sky. Sigh.I was thrilled to see oak … I don’t have access to many of these beauties.
and then …stunning maples … . I may have gasped. At the top …It’s so beautiful!
I know, it was a serious photo dump ;) but I hope you’ve enjoyed it!
If you’re thinking of taking this trip, this may be a good place to do a bit of research: Sky Island Parkway .
Thank you for stopping by and have an awesome day!
Day 14 #nablopomo