It’s time to set my intentions for 2016.
I mean … January is almost over! How did that happen!? But not to worry, I’ve been puzzling over this for quite some time and I think I have some answers.
As I was reluctant to let go of my word for 2015 (which was “celebrate”) I became stuck. It was exactly what I needed at the time, but now it feels old.
So, my apologies “celebrate” I’m leaving you … and it’s not me, it’s you. Oh, and if it helps, I haven’t left you for another word, I’ve left you for a quote. A quote that’s been sticking in my head for a couple months and won’t go away. I wrote about it in November when I posted My Art is not Frivolous.
I want to live my life as artfully as possible, and I think it’s going to take me a full year to discover exactly what that means. Oh, I do love a challenge! and I think the possibilities are endless.
Today I’ll reveal some of my intentions. Others I’ll keep closer to my h(art.)
It all kind of came together when I created this image for the new class Be Still | One Year [Wiser] with Kim Klassen.
In December Kim and I had been discussing how much stuff we had and I was complaining about all the time I spent organizing it. As a still life photographer, props can take over your life (if you let them.) Now don’t get me wrong, I love my props. But added to all my usual props, I was hoarding many plants from summer that I couldn’t seem to let go. Ferns, succulents, ivy (which all need watering, pruning, and transplanting, as well as a sunny place to sit.)
Then I heard myself explaining how one day I was in Home Depot and I spied some unusual and perfect succulents, and I ended up buying four! When one would have been enough … or maybe none … especially in winter. What was I thinking? Well, I’d have to say I wasn’t.
I went on to divulge that I’d also been to Winners that day and had gone around gathering stuff … like there was no tomorrow (this is a bit embarrassing) but it was all so inspiring and tempting. New props, new photography opportunities.
I paid for everything, watched the clerk wrap it carefully, and carried several bags out to my car. When I got home, rather than making a simple cup of tea and sitting for a moment, I had to unwrap it all and then find a place for everything. That for me is the worst part. Finding a place for everything. I suddenly felt overwhelmed to the point of exhaustion. Really, Christmas was coming and I had more important things to be doing. I decided right then and there that I had to turn this around. I packed everything up, made sure I had my receipt, and returned it all the next day.
As I was explaining this to Kim, she was flabbergasted, since she had been feeling the same way. So, to make a long story a bit shorter ;) we made a pact to avoid Winners for the entire month of January, and so far I haven’t been in one since that fateful day in December. I extended my vow to include any and all similar stores (and I know the ones.)
So what does this have to do with my intentions for 2016? Well, here are a few:
- I will avoid Winners completely until the end of February. Baby steps. If I say I’ll never go back, well … you know … .
- I will carefully consider where and when I spend my money and my energy.
- If I bring something home, something has to go.
- I will live my life artfully. I’m not 100% sure what that means but I am going to find out.
I’m finally coming back to life after the Christmas holidays, a very busy January, and a bout with the flu.
I suddenly feel revitalized, and am excited about 2016 and all that it may bring. To start with, I have a small blogging announcement (in my next newsletter.)
I hope you stay with me this year as I go about discovering how to “make living itself an art” and reveal more of my intentions.