It’s a sure sign of autumn around here with the appearance of the quirky and fun Shaggy Ink Cap mushroom! Now, you may not think mushrooms are fun, but wait … they’re having a convention on our lawn!
It seems to be a good year for these guys. It must be all the moisture we had this past summer combined with a mild autumn (other than that freak snowstorm we had a few weeks ago).
They start out as a white tube-like shape, then sprout up and literally melt into a black puddle.
So, apparently, you can eat this mushroom if you pick it very early before it starts to sprout up, and of course before it starts to melt … I personally do not recommend it … yuck is an understatement. You might want to check it out at Wikipedia.
Again, I’m so thankful for everyone who has signed up for my newsletter! It’s inspiring me!!
Have a wonderful Thursday, and I hope to see you here tomorrow for Friday Finds, where I’ll share my Superstore parking lot adventures …