Today I have a few mint tea refresher tips for the best tea experience! Mint tea is soothing and refreshing, and if you can use fresh mint it’s especially delightful.
If you are cold, tea will warm you;
if you are too heated, it will cool you;
If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
If you are excited, it will calm you.
William Ewart Gladstone
I recently purchased these sweet pots of Mojito Mint from a local greenhouse.
Growing mint is easy and satisfying as this plant is vigorous and aggressive. Most experts advise planting it in a container, up off the ground, or it will take over your garden! It will even send out shoots and sprout new plants where they land :)
When planting mint, make sure to provide good air circulation and well-drained soil to prevent rust or powdery mildew. If you see wilted leaves or dark spots, pinch off the affected leaves immediately and watch the plant closely.
How to Prepare Mint Tea
- Harvest 1/2 cup of fresh mint (I use stems and all). Rinse and pat dry.
- Place mint in the strainer that fits in your teapot. I love using my little cast iron pot I found at Chapters/Indigo. They don’t always carry these lovely little pots, but you can also get them from Teavana.
- Meanwhile, to warm up the teapot, boil water and pour in about 1/4 cup. Cover and let sit for a minute or two (this is without the mint!)
- Discard the water used to warm the pot.
- Set the strainer filled with mint into the pot and fill with the remaining hot water.
- Let sit for 5 minutes.
- Pour into cups, add a fresh mint leaf and enjoy!
Did you know mint contains vitamins A and C, as well as Calcium and Iron?
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