The parade of flowers continues here in Alberta, and I want to share a tip about preserving fresh peonies for later use … later as in a couple weeks, or even a couple months!
This year I have a bumper crop of these beauties ready to pop … I know I’m going to be overwhelmed with possibilities … and quite likely I’ll feel paralyzed. It’s a common occurrence when we’re faced with overabundance. But luckily, I have an a amazing tip on how to preserve these beauties while still in the bud stage.
Our peonies bloom in June, but with this tip, I was able to extend fresh bouquets for weeks!
Tip for Preserving Fresh Peonies for Weeks
- Snip a few peony stems while still in the bud stage, making sure there is some colour showing (as in the following image)
- Slip them into a plastic bag and tie it closed (no water necessary.) Again no water, no paper towels nothing … nada!
- Place the bag in the vegetable crisper in the refrigerator and forget about it for a while
When you’re ready for a fresh bouquet:
- remove from fridge
- snip end of stem
- place in water
The blooms will open within a day! I’ll warn you that they don’t last long, perhaps a day or two depending on how long you stored them, but they are still beautiful.
When I finally removed mine from the fridge, it was near the end of August (and I had picked them in June!) I was quite doubtful it would work … but … here’s the proof:
I’d love to know if you try this, and how it works for you! and please pin my image if you like :)Thanks for stopping by!
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