Oh my gosh, I found so many things this week! First of all, I found some time!
With a winter storm raging outside, I’ve been forced to hunker down inside, and I’ve made the most of it.
After organizing and cleaning house, I sat down and finished writing my tutorial for Digital Scrapper, and then I recorded the first version! Woot! I still have lots to do, but I should be finished it this weekend, which means I won’t be stressing about it before Christmas … so.very.good.
I’ve been able to catch up on a few Be Still lessons, and today I present my “butter and eggs” … what a lovely relaxing afternoon … (hazelnut and cream cheese cookies are coming soon to a blog near you).
I found brown eggs, which I feel guilty buying, but the photographer in me can’t help it …
An earlier find would be my chippy white bead board mirror/coat rack which I’ve been using in almost all my shots lately. I am so glad I didn’t let this one go …
I also found that I can’t decide what type of processing I like best … I like the natural true-to-life versions, and then I see this one processed with Kim’s kk_gentle … oh, my …
And here are five more finds for me this week:
- a new MacBook Pro (squeeeee)
- the realization that that was just the start … next comes a new external drive, a backup drive, what about a mouse … keyboard … yikes …
- it was an easy, no-hassle experience to download Creative Cloud, CC2014, LR5, and Bridge CC for the Mac (easier than it was for my PC)
- my IG photo was a “pick” for the new #mystillsundaycompetition by Kim (so honoured!)
- that I’m fortunate to have enough food to eat, and a warm place to stay (going to be making donations to the food bank and Salvation Army right now) (done)
Today I’m going to find some time to go out and capture the beautiful winter wonderland that we’ve suddenly found ourselves in. We’re literally buried under more than 30cm …
Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful weekend!