It’s that time of year where my whole yard is bursting with flora and fauna just begging to become backyard bouquets!
This week the lineup includes these two perennials: Bachelor’s Button and Globeflower. Are they not stunning? And both are prolific this year; the Bachelor’s Button is popping up everywhere. I mean, I knew it was an enthusiastic plant but I really had no idea … it’s moved into our boreal forest. Some people would say that may not be a good thing, but let me tell you the bees would not agree!I’m not the only one who loves it. I posted a few pics on IG and it sparked a conversation. Someone said they cut theirs right back after the first bloom to promote a second wave. Hmmm, I’ll be out there with my shears in about a week!
To make this posy:
- Pick flowers early in morning and put in water immediately. Let them drink for about an hour.
- Recut all stems.
- Strip almost all leaves off Bachelor’s Buttons.
- Lay Bachelor’s Buttons on table, arrange Globeflowers on top.
- Tie loosely with string and place in a tall vase.
- Watch the Globeflowers twist and turn ;)
- Keep out of direct light.
- Recut stems and refresh water daily.
On another note, I discovered a few things when I sat down to write this post.
- I do have things to write about.
- I learned the proper spelling of Bachelor’s Button, and that what I was calling Buttercup is really Globeflower. Actually, I knew it was Globeflower, but I forgot! It was given to me by a friend many, many years ago, and her name is Eleanor.
- As I was trying to remember the real name, it led me back to my favourite gardening books by Lois Hole. She was an incredible woman who, among other things, wrote a series on northern gardening; from flowers, to bulbs, to trees. In “Perennial Favourites” I’ve ticked off all the flowers I’ve ever had, as well as who gave them to me! It’s a treasure. I unearthed a treasure this morning.
Have a wonderful weekend my friends, and I hope you’ll join me in my new series “Backyard Bouquets” to see what other treasures I unearth!