Hello, and welcome to Sunday Sundries Feature for November 6th! Thank you everyone who tags their moments of gratitude and beauty to the hashtag!
The tones of autumn are still filling the gallery … and I simply can’t get enough! So let’s celebrate these amazing artists!

TL: @ehpyle TR: @grainandfeather BL: @alajamie BR: @allenandbear
So what am I celebrating this week?
- A trip to our little Arizona getaway … November is great when you can enjoy a little warm weather south of the border.
- Rain in the desert … I love the gift of rain no matter where I am.
- Finding teeny tiny baby succulents at Home Depot and buying them. I’ll enjoy them as much as cut flowers any day.
- Watching hummingbirds coming to the feeder and listening while hubby tries to identify them. Simple, quiet, unassuming daily moments. The moments that make me think of this quote by Kurt Vonnegut:
“Enjoy the little things in life because one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.”
I too love “the gift of rain no matter where I am” — but there is NOTHING like rain in the desert! So glad you got some.