Hello, and welcome to Sunday Sundries Feature for February 28th!
Whoa, I had a busy week (a self-induced busy week) but it’s all good. As soon as I finish this up, I’m heading to the sofa to vegetate (and maybe catch a bit of the Oscars.)
Thanks to all those who tag their images to the gallery – it’s a veritable feast for the eyes.
OK, let’s celebrate the work of these four talented artists who tagged their images to #sunday_sundries on Instagram … are they not simply gorgeous!!??

TL: @posyandpetal TR: @meltemmeliii BL: @permillion44 BR: @ annld60
So what am I celebrating this week?
- Reaching (over) 10K followers on IG … a heartfelt thank you to all my followers (long-time and brand-new) xoxo. I’ve been working toward this for a year and a half and it nearly did me in ;)
- An ordinary week. I’ll take ordinary and quiet any day. So grateful for ordinary and quiet.
- My family.
- Fabulously warm weather.
- Walks with friends.
- A good book.
- My photography. My blog. My blog friends.
- Boxes full of dried treasures from the summer (peonies and dragonflies.)
- Pots of pretty pink tulips.
So that is it for this week folks! Good night, and have a wonderful evening!
I’m about to unplug.
I loved all your picks for Sunday Sundries …so beautiful ! Congratulations on reaching 10 thousand followers Barb ! That’s a wonderful achievement ! PS. I love ordinary and quiet too xx
Thank you so much Caz, for your lovely comments and support! xo