Hello, and welcome to Sunday Sundries Feature for August 7th.
Hosting a tag on Instagram has been such an amazing learning experience for me. I jumped into it without really knowing what goes into it; which is a lot of hard work, and making hard decisions. It’s a big commitment.
And then there’s the part about feeling bad that you can’t feature every single image you love … but here are four that made me smile huge!
After much agonizing I finally chose these four images…

TL: @mozsas TR: @simple_life_project BL: @ivijblu BR: @31chapellane
When I saw that chair … and then the doughnuts … I couldn’t get the smile off my face! And then there’s the beautiful stark simplicity of the papers, scissors, and two towels hanging on a bare wall. Two very diverse art forms and I love them both so much! It’s no wonder I can’t get a handle on my own style—I love everything!
So today, I’m turning off comments for this post as part of my experiment with the LIKE button. If you’re reading this and like it … please do ;) and many thanks to all who responded so beautifully to my post Blog Comment Pressures.