Hello, and welcome to Sunday Sundries! I’m here to ramble on about my week, it helps me be grateful and to “celebrate” all the small (and large) extraordinary moments in my life. I started this practice as a result of “My Word for 2015” and it has had such a positive influence on the way I’ve lived my life this year. One word.
Earlier this week I published a newsletter which included the link to download a Photoshop template. If you received it, and tried the template, I’d love to see your creation (link up below). Also, today I’ve included a link to some word art (which you’ll find at the end of this post.)
If you post on Instagram, use the hashtag #sunday_sundries, tag me at @keepingwiththetimes, and list one or more things you’re celebrating – I’d love to see!
OK, onward! How about celebrating a beautiful herb garden!?

… and peonies … oh my … I have a bumper crop this year …
From the moment they started to pop …
to the first blossom …
I’ve practically been wallowing in them …
a little Bella Grace love …
and summer love …
So what else am I celebrating this week?
- Summer days.
- Hot hot hot summer days.
- Huge thunderstorms that roll through at midnight, causing no damage (just a lot of blinding light and house-shaking noise.)
- Seeing a bright moon at the edge of said thunderstorm … it was a wild night … .
- The rain that followed … watering my garden and once again filling my rain barrels.
- Reaching over 2,000 followers on Instagram! I’m so in love with that community, and all the inspiration it provides.
- Becoming an affiliate with Digital Scrapper – truly, I’d promote their products and services – affiliate or not.
If you like the word art I created, you can download it here (for personal use only).
Thank you so much for dropping by!
love the collages/mosaics. i liked the ‘trust the timing of your life.’ hard to do, sometimes, but thanks for that! :)
Thank you for the template, I’ll enjoy playing with it when I get the chance. I love the herb garden, and the peonies are beautiful. I’m trying to thing where I can find room in my tiny garden to grow some for next year!
I’ve just found your blog – what a beautiful little space on the internet! Beautiful peonies :-)
Gorgeous photos, I want to plant a garden now.
What amazing photos, I love flower photos
Thank you for linking up
would you like to link at my side also?
I would be proud.
Thanks, Pippa
Looks like we are sharing some “peony love” this week!
I celebrating all the rain we’ve had which has contributed to the most gorgeous flowers ever and our trees even look better this year! The only draw back has been a zillion mosquitoes. Awesome shots and congrats on all the followers. I weeded out a bunch of shady ones I didn’t want following.
Thank you for linking up Roxi! Your sunflowers always make me swoon …
oh, and yes … I don’t hesitate to block shady nasty followers …
Your peonies are gorgeous Barbara, I have never been able to grow them … so thanks for sharing them virtually :). Have a great week ahead!
You are wallowing and I am drooling … gorgeous photos … still unpacking from the holiday . .. will touch base in a few days.
Oh my, peonies. So lovely Barb. Linking up with you today!
Wow, your peonies are amazing Barb! And I love your gratitude list. I’m grateful for summer days and a weekend of summer rain that allowed me to get lots of productive work done to get ready to re-launch my site. Fun stuff to be very grateful for!
Grateful for you my friend! I love your inspiration and how you make the outdoors beauty come alive. Your peony crop this year is so gorgeous!! And yes on your lovely herb garden…my herb “garden” consists of two herbs in pots! LOL But I love their delicate growth and gentle greens. Thank you so very much for the template…LOVE it! Have a wonderful week! Thanks for “Sunday Sundries” and the gratitude lists.
Love your photos! Everything looks so chic! #mysundayphoto
Barb, I am thrilled to see your work evolve! Your photographs have taken a whole new direction, likely led by your grateful heart! Thank you so much for the beautiful brush – I downloaded it and put it to use right away. I especially love the graphic style and the fact that the words fit with so many different images. You are such a gracious friend!
On another note, Barb, I’ve signed up for your newsletter but have only received one – so sad. I’m sure this is some glitch on my side, and so I’m going to try signing up with my “other” email address (not my photography address, but my personal address). I really hate to miss these newsletters and I’m determined to work this out!
What a festival for the eyes dear Barb with these amazing peonies… pink everywhere… pale pink, brighter pink… your peonies are gorgeous and rich and so luxuriant! I love all the settings you’ve invented to show them so magnificently…
Thank you so much for the frame… I wanted to try it though I had no recent picture to put inside…
Thank you also for the lovely text brush… I’ll not be long to use it on one or 2 pictures because it’s so meaningful…
Thank you for your generosity, Barb…
Oh Barb…you inspire me to work harder and longer…I have been roaming your blog now for 30 minutes and clicking on all your links…so much information and so helpful. Thank you for all the time you must spend getting your blog and newsletter for all of us…who really need your guidance.
Your Peonies are just gorgeous, I have photgraphed mine but have not edited them yet…hopefully tomorrow after seeing yours here…I’m not much of a garden person, but I do love every flower in my garden and enjoy bringing them indoors for vases…
Thank you for the lovely template. I hope to master that this week also…The love of photography…so much to do and some days so little time…
Enjoy your week…
I so appreciate you stopping by my blog to comment. It’s always very uplifting when someone takes the time to comment, and to leave such kind words. I love to blog, and I love to share, so it really inspires me when I hear such positive feedback from you.
Yes, my peonies have dominated my photography for quite some time! and there are still a few in my garden (and of course in my fridge :)) …
Your peonies are amazing … And the thunder storm sounds wild – luckily the rain afterwars watered your garden!
The Sunday Diaries sounds lovely – I need to remember it this Sunday!
I hope you can cool down in the shadow with some iced tea :)