All summer it’s been a succulent celebration around here … and now I’m potting up the babies …… into muffin pans …
… clay pots …
… and cake pans …
… but sometimes it all just wants to fall apart …
All these new babies already had roots, so I simply pulled them off the main plant and stuck them right into the soil. I don’t know how they’ll do … but I’m guessing they’re going to flourish!
Last year I found some cute little ceramic pumpkins at Home Sense and I thought they would make great plant pots. They look great in a simple display, but also fit nicely with a Thanksgiving tablescape. I think its time to dig those out of storage.
For more beautiful images and information on succulents, check out My Succulent Obsession on Pinterest
Ah that was you on KK!! Congrats…Barb you have the most mesmerizing way of shooting what could be ordinary subjects and finding a unique way of expressing their inner beauty to us.
Visiting your blog is like wandering down a aisle in a bookstore, dipping into the most beautiful coffee table books perched on a shelf,, or leafing through lovely visual magazines, the kind that catch the eye and linger in the mind, calling me back to look again, and again…your work draws me in and envelops me with a sense of comfort, and creativity.
It’s a visual and textual reward, a moment, a feeling of happiness that I get to take with me….thank you for that!
Hi Jen! this has to be the most thoughtful and amazing comment I’ve ever received! So beautifully written, and I’m very humbled by your words.
I’ll be cherishing this for a long time.
The use of muffin pans, cake pans, and pumpkin pots is and exciting way to feature your cute baby succulents! I adore the one with the broken terra cotta pieces lying about the plant. And, I’m in love with the wood bench background!
Thank you Beverly … your words and support mean so much!
Hi Barb, your succulents have thrived ! I’m usually pretty good with plants, but manage to kill these beauties for some reason ! Love your photos as always :)))
Thank you so much Caz! xo