Oh my, the sun is shining, it’s 8 degrees Celsius and I can hear water dripping off the roof. It’s January in Alberta and I have windows open, fans running, and the sun is pouring through the windows. Bliss.
This is not the photo I set out to take this morning. I had been carefully arranging tiny pine cones and clay pots and nothing was working when I turned around and saw this succulent sitting quietly (of course) in my window garden. What gloriousness! And there’s my rosemary in the background! I had hoped that that would survive at least until Christmas but it has outdone itself and is thriving.
I need to get to work, but I think I have spring fever so a little watering and re-potting of plants is in order. Then I’ll get to work … I promise …
Happy weekend everyone!
Friday Finds at Kim Klassen dot com
TexWisGirl says
you’re getting a heat wave! :)
Dotti says
Your succulent is lovely and such lovely sunlight! Okay, something is seriously wrong. I live very far south of you, the sun is shining but the temp is a mere 18F. I wouldn’t open my windows on a bet. {Thanks for the email to tell me that your little trick can be done on PSE. I haven’t tried it yet, but I will.}
rosa says
Isn’t it crazy? I planted geranium seeds on Monday and they are already popping up! I can hardly wait until it’s spring for real. In the meantime starting plants from seed id a great way to wait it out . :D
Your succulent is gorgeous by the way . . .
Sarah C says
I just love succulents! Your’s is beautiful and the sun coming through the window looks divine!
Lori says
Wow ~ I think you sent your weather our way again! Great shot ~ Happy weekend.
S. Etole says
Your pretty plant seems to be thriving. Have a great weekend.
Carol says
Well I’m jealous! There is a -26 degree difference between Alberta and Manitoba and right now it doesn’t seem like an end is in sight. But seeing this gorgeous photo reminds me what we have to look forward to! Thanks for sharing some sunshine and greenness! Love it!
Marissa says
I’m a little jealous! I’ve been stuck up on my mountain for a week – snow and more snow!! Brrr!
Roxi says
gosh, what beautiful bokeh!