Eighty percent of success is showing up.
Woody Allen
Oh hey! it’s November 18th and I’ve managed to show up on my blog every day this month (as per my #NaBloPoMo promise to myself.)
Some posts have been rather large and took a long time to create as in my Holiday Tablescape Ideas. Others were mediocre, and others were … meh. But I showed up and I have to admit it feels pretty good.
I almost always show up on Instagram, usually on Twitter, and sometimes on Facebook. And even though my blog often takes a back seat, it’s still my baby.
I had to giggle when I googled for this quote this morning … I’m loving the updated proverb :)
However I hope Google doesn’t know that for the most part I’ve thrown SEO to the wind … otherwise I would never get a post written. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! EDIT: I think I know Google doesn’t know ;)
And many thanks to my friends Kim Klassen and Aeleen Sclater for including my photo in their #fouriadorefriday grid today!
Now I must get going … the hubs and I both are suffering from food poisoning, we have a condo to close up, and we have a plane to catch tonight … blech.
See you on the other side!
Hi Barb,
Congratulations on your beautiful work today and getting featured and on blogging and showing up🌿 The continual inspiration I receive from each of you can not be measured in likes and thank you’s. But it is helping me start to figure out what where why to go next. Ann
Thank you Ann! You are an inspiration in your own right, ya know?!
Hi Barb,
I hope you had a good flight and are feeling better. Great post today. These are the words to live by. I started photography and blogging about a year ago; but I give up often as I get frustrated. I find both very difficult. But I consistently come back to your blog for encouragement and advise. You have always said to practice and work on it every day. I started trying again about a week and a half ago. Hopefully I can keep at it this time. I’ll try showing up 80% of the time. Thank you for being an inspiration!
Thank you so much Ginny! I’m so happy to have inspired you in some small way. I think a person just has to forget having perfect posts all the time … and just keep in mind that you are blogging for yourself a lot of the time. It’s a type of journal … one that I am so happy I have!
Having to fly while suffering the effects (or aftereffects) of food poisoning is not my idea of a good time. I hope your trip home went smoothly and that you’re both feeling better!
Hi León! It was a ghastly day/night but we’re home now, sipping tea and nibbling toast and on the mend … thank you so much for stopping by!