Welcome to Part I of my series on how to write an SEO friendly blog post. Why would you care about SEO? It may not be a top priority for you, but it can’t hurt to try writing with it in mind.
I’m using WordPress but you could apply this with any blogging platform. Just Google it (insert smiley face) and you will find all the advice you need. I’m simply sharing my experience.
I recently employed the help of a “tech guy” to assist me in keeping WordPress and the Genesis framework updated, as well as all plugins, widgets and gadgets … he’s also helping me navigate the confusing landscape of Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools. I tell you, some of the questions I asked … he must have had more than a few chuckles … I know I did (at myself)…
If this sounds dry, well maybe it is. But the reason I blog is to “keep with the times” as well as “learn something new, try something different“.
When my blog was updated and I went to write my first post, I was surprised to see a checklist that was interactive. At first my SEO was bad but as I wrote and re-wrote, eventually it gave me a good rating. I didn’t go for the best because there was one item that I didn’t feel suited my style. Good is good enough for me and I want to remain authentic.
WordPress SEO Friendly Checklist
Choose a focus keyword for your post and then keep writing until you get a “yes” for all these points.
Your focus keyword was found in:
- Article Heading: Yes
- Page title: Yes
- Page URL: Yes
- Content: Yes
- Meta description: Yes
… so that concludes Part I of my series. For professional advice, check out this article from Yoast.
So, can you tell what my focus keyword is? This is the first post for me that scored 100%. Join me next time where I’ll divulge my “test” results, complete with a screenshot!
I really hope this has piqued your interest and that I’ll see you for Part II!
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Barb, I’m so behind on blogging that I’ll never catch up. But I appreciate the information here and maybe one day when I get serious about blogging, I’ll refer back to it. Thanks so much.
Hi Barb – I was just thinking about SEO 2 days ago, trying to navigate the whole keyword search tool thing and only became more confused the further I went. I’m so glad I ran onto your article here and will be checking in as you go along!