At Shutter Sisters today the prompt is ‘routines’. That’s an easy one for me. I am one big routine. I get up around 5:30 – 6:00 and head straight to my coffee pot, turn it on, then head straight for the computer.
I check e-mail, my blog, other blogs, and Digital Scrapper. If all looks well I will either write a blog post or try to create a scrapbook page or a tutorial. I’m on fire until 10:30 and that’s when I decide I had better get up and get some errands finished.
coffee and computer first thing . . . |
Somewhere in that early morning time frame, I’ll make the bed (365/days/year).
I love my cool, uncluttered, green and serene bedroom. I’m always thinking I should hang some pictures but I never get around to it . . . perhaps there is a good reason.
And I always eat a pretty good breakfast. Hubby eats early (a bowl of cereal) and leaves for work while I’m still having coffee. So even though I am alone I still take the time to make porridge, or even oatmeal pancakes. We always have eggs on the weekend so I never cook an egg (unless it’s hidden in some French Toast). I also take a glucosamine for my arthritic thumb and knees . . . I think it helps.
I also have other routines such as:
1. I always park in the the same area in a parking lot when I’m shopping – plus I ‘eyeball’ it so that I know how to find my car. Have you ever lost your car? total embarrassment.
2. I only eat bananas in the morning.
3. I floss my teeth at night – every night, and I also remove makeup and wash my face – without fail. Too much information? My mother used to say to us before bed ‘have you done your health rules?‘ and I guess it stuck with me for life.
4. I go to bed at 10:00 every.single.night. (almost)
5. I never watch the news until the evening (with hubby) which is at 5:30. I don’t want to see all the disasters more than once.
I’m also playing with my daughter this morning at “A Pretty Life in the Suburbs”. Her post today is ‘Random Shtuffff’ and she suggested we link up in her comments – so I’m taking the opportunity to link to one of the best blogs in town!
Linda/patchwork says
I think the human animal works best with a routine. I know THIS human animal does.
When it’s off more than just a bit, my day doesn’t go as well.
The older I get, the more routine I need.
Yours sounds like a good one.
Evelyn S. says
No creature of routine here….haven’t been since I retired from teaching 10 years ago—and I’m not sure I was then. Love your photos, as always! (I visited your daughter’s blog and left a comment, too.)
Gail Dixon (Louisiana Belle) says
This is the first full year I have not worked so right now it’s coffee, check emails on iphone, check twitter, maybe facebook, then do a devotional (most days). Then who knows?
Parking in the same area of a parking lot is a great idea since I am notorious for forgetting where I’ve parked. I hate that sinking feeling when I realize I have no idea.
Karen @ away for the weekend says
I should probably have more routines than I do, but I tend to rebel against them. I usually resent the ones that I have – like getting up and going to work… ;-)
But I do tend to park in the same area of a parking lot…
Gina @ Gigi Marie Photography says
Loved reading about you & getting to know you better. I am such a creature of habit or routine. It helps me say organized & on top of things if I don’t stray too far off of it.
Lori says
I too have my routine in the morning too and can be a bit grumpy if it gets disrupted. That makes me laugh as I am so set in my ways in some things ~ too funny. I think it may be a sign of age!
deb duty says
Fun post and I love the pic of your breakfast. I enjoy a good breakfast too, but mine’s with my diet coke!
Helene says
Yes, routines are wonderful but I wish I had a better one. I so need to set an earlier rise time and an earlier bed time…my current timing is doing a number on me! And I’m inspired by your bedroom…I need to get rid of some clutter. Maybe that will make for a better routine! Happy weekend!
Deanna says
Oh I am so with you on your morning routine…get up, make coffee, check the computer, write blog etc etc. But you are better at fixing a good breakfast than I am, and I must admit there are days that the bed does not get made, another “better than me”. I giggled at your comment about watching the news only once. Take care and have a good weekend.!!
Rosemary Aubut says
Sounds like my house! Coffee first then computer! Morning a little different! Yogurt and almonds for me!
So funny what creatures of habit we are. Thanks for pointing that all out! have a great weekend!