Well, I actually have a few questions for you … if you care to answer one or two, I’d love to hear …
- Do you have a twitter account? Do you tweet? Do you follow Twitter and if so, what/who do you follow?
- What would happen if I deleted my Twitter account? Who would care? (I’m saying this rather facetiously.)
- How do you decide on a method for allowing comments on your blog? Does your blog platform give you a choice? I’d like to quit commenting with my Google+ account, but sometimes I have no other option. WordPress.com won’t allow me to comment, and I don’t have an Open ID. I didn’t even know what Open ID was until today when I finally decided to check it out … the explanation left me baffled …
- Sometimes I can comment with my FB account, but not always, and there is no rhyme or reason to it as far as I can tell.
- How do you follow blogs?
- How’s your autumn going? Mine’s going … going … going to be gone …
first, love your leaf. :)
i don’t tweet, face, pin or insta anything. i only blog. i do keep a google+ account so i can +1 folks’ posts, but i don’t post there.
i allow registered users including open i.d. to post to eliminate anonymous comments which make up about 98% of spam. i DETEST the google+ comment form some bloggers are opting to go to. google is trying to encourage folks to publish their comments on the blog AND at google+ (as if that would drive more traffic thru both places). YUCKO!
i keep a wordpress account, also, just so i can easily comment at folks wp blogs.
i read blogs through a feed reader. i use feedly, but also have bloglovin as a back-up. i don’t rely on blogger’s blog rolls to function as it is often unreliable.
Thanks for your thoughts, TexWisGirl!
and my autumn is hardly just beginning… almost 90F over the weekend.
Beautiful leave images. I love the curls, textures, and your focus point!
I don’t twitter, tweet, or use instagram. My phone doesn’t even take pictures!!
For comments on my blog, I allow registered users including open i.d. which eliminates anonymous comments.
I opened a Google+ account only because I wasn’t allowed to post comments on some blogs without it.
I use Bloglovin’ to follow blogs and have really liked it. Simple to use!
As far as fall, not quite here yet! In fact it’s been 80 degrees the last few days, so it doesn’t even feel like fall! I’m afraid this fall may not be gorgeous. The leaves just seem to be turning brown, I don’t think we had enough rain the later part of summer.
Glad you asked the questions. I’m coming back to read more answers.
I use
Thank you, Cathy! I appreciate your thoughts on my questions too. I am curious to know how others manage their commenting.
What a wonderful little leaf! Perfection. Okay: twitter – no. Never. Blog commenting: it has gotten crazy, I don’t know what’s going on. If my google id won’t work, I use my google plus id. {I have no idea what the difference is.} Following blogs: I use Bloglovin. It’s cranky at times but it works. Autumn: ours is longer than yours but all too short. Right now the colors are rich, the day is beautiful. Tomorrow: rainy and windy so I’d better take my camera for another walk. Today.
Have a great day!
Thank you, Dotti!
First of all, the leaves – ga! Amazing.
Second. I could so leave Twitter but I use it for an occasional giveaway (for extra entries.)
Third. Blogger gives you a choice on commenting. Yes or no, G+… I never did find the ultimate way to comment. I have used all three mentioned here and they have positives and negatives! Sorry, I am not much help! http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/3rdparty-comment-discuss-systems-reviewed/
Thank you, Sarah! I checked out your link. I never have liked Disqus but is seems I may be in the minority …
Love that leaf! Lots and lots on the ground here too. I tweet most of the photos I post on flickr. I follow a variety of people, many of whom are educators, news organizations, tech people or photographers. I look at the people I follow on Twitter as my personal learning community. If I don’t like what I see I can unfollow and therefore adjust my feed to what I want to see. I usually try to check twitter once a day or so although at work it is difficult to stay connected.
I am a blog-aholic and have been using Newblur as my reader. I sure do miss Google Reader though. I have also used Feedly and Bloglovin. Feedly is my back up reader . I didn’t care for bloglovin at all.
Hope this helps….by the way, I just followed you on Twitter ;-)
Thank you, Kate! Thank you for responding, it gave me some more insight … especially how one might use Twitter. I use Feedly to read blogs and so far quite like it. Thanks for the Twitter follow ;)
I posed a similar question on my blog last month (http://mere-et-filles.blogspot.com/2014/09/twitter-pinterest-why.html). The comments helped me decide it was OK to keep my Twitter and Pinterest accounts, but not use them much. I am mostly into Instagram and blogging (although neither with the regularity and AWESOME content of yours!) I have a blogger blog and allow anyone(thing?) to comment. I love it when the blogger responds to comments like you’re doing here, but I didn’t have that capability until the last year or so on my blog, so got into the habit of replying to comments via email to the commenter. Not very efficient (and blogger doesn’t always capture the email addresses, so often, not even possible – I don’t recommend this!) I use Feedly to read blogs and like everyone else, really miss Google Reader. It’s a lot of work to leave comments via that platform. I have no idea what Google+ is or does… (ditto Open Source)
Finally – I live in Georgia… it was starting to feel like fall last weekend, but today it was 80 degrees… I hope we don’t skip the entire season. It’s my favorite!
Thank you for responding to my questions, and I can see that this is a fairly popular subject! When I posted my question this morning, I was feeling like I need to prioritize and cut back on a few social media things. I popped by your blog …so interesting reading all the comments there! Thanks so much for dropping by today! You have my favourite way of commenting on blogs … name, url, web … love it!!
Twitter … yes I have an account but its sadly underused, I also have a Facebook page which fares better, but find – to my dismay as I have an issue with Pinterest removing EXIF data – that Pinterest is the biggest driver of traffic to my blog from among the social media options.
Comments. I use Open ID on my blog and no one seems to have trouble with it. It saves me from spam and loses me fewer comments than Disquis and the like. A friend who comments via Google Plus found her own blog traffic went down when she switched to doing that, it seemed that people following the link didn’t click through from her Google Profile page to her blog for some reason.
And I follow blogs on Bloglovin, but have also bookmarked a lot of blogs.
Love those leaf pics. Nicely done!
Hi Annie, thank you for responding. I also find that Pinterest is my biggest traffic driver … I love that you clarified the problem with Google+, no one wants to get directed over there! gah! Glad you liked my crispy leaves!
Oh man, if I had my way I’d only ever use Instagram and my blog. But I have a twitter account that I really only use for campaigns (and the occasional cheeky tweet), I use FB to try to build my community, and I rarely use G+. I hate Google+. I use Pinterest because….well I guess because I have to? It’s all too much sometimes. I’m actually moving away from much of the social media hustle and instead focussing on my blog content, my newsletter, and getting back to basics like trying to leave comments on blogs…I stopped doing that because of other social media…but I’m going to try again.
As for commenting, my fave is just enter a name, e-mail and URL. If I have to log into a form I won’t do it, and if I have to use G+ to comment I won’t do it either. Ugh. I sound like an ogre don’t I?! Hahaha! :)
Thank you for commenting here! I’m truly pondering where I want to spend my time and my energy. I’m starting to do more of what I love, and less of what I don’t love.
I agree heartily about commenting with name, e-mail and url … I was wondering why every blog doesn’t have that option (kind of what I was fishing for …) so I don’t know how to get around it. I’m hating Google+ as well.
I’ve had to e-mail people and tell them that I can’t even get a comment to work … arghh… but the problem is, commenting is one area where I want to spend my time …
Barb, You have asked the million dollar question. I am hopelessly out-of-step with the mainstream. My phone only rings – no camera, no texting (we’re diverting $ to our son’s college fund). I tried facebook but found out more about my relatives than I want to know! Pinterest leaves my head swimming and twitter just sounds like a lot of work to me. I limit my online time to blogging, reading a few favorites (mostly by way of Kim). I take regular breaks from the blog world, too – whenever I feel I am out of sorts. My biggest problem with the computer – it keeps me sitting way too much. I’d rather be riding my bike or hiking or dating my husband. We are so enjoying our retirement and I don’t want to miss out on real life. Just me . . . I aim for simple.
Thanks Donna, I applaud you for doing only what you want to do – that’s very freeing. I think people take blogging too seriously sometimes (including me). I truly love to blog, but I don’t “get” Twitter (my tweets are automatic), hate Google+, get a little too “into” Pinterest, and LOVE Instagram :). I have a FB account but certainly am not caught up in that thank goodness!!
Hate G+, but do have an account. Like Tex I only use it to +1 a post. I’ve been on Twitter for years and finally this year became tired of it. When I’m really, really bored, I will peruse it. I use Feedly to follow blogs. If there is a blog I want to add, I copy and paste the URL into Feedly and hit the plus sign. It’s very easy. At the moment I’m terribly behind with blogging due to work commitments and beautiful weather. I’m finding I’m posting more and more on Facebook and less everywhere else. There are too many time stealers out there. Sometimes I just have to pick a couple and forget the rest. Hope that helped…
Hi Gail, I hear so many people say they hate G+ … I gave it a real good try but found it does nothing for me. In fact I took it off my sidebar a long time ago.
Thanks so much for your thoughts.
Barb I am not going to be any help to you, I don’t have a twitter account and if I had my perfect world wouldn’t have a Facebook account, hate it so much. Hardly ever go there only to see what my OR. family pictures they put up. I do blog but I blog only to keep a journal of my images, not to get traffic. I have a Squarespace blog and love it except some people have a hard time posting comments sometimes. Still not sure what the problem is there but as I said comments are not my big thing as I use my blog just for pretty images and a record. I use Feedly and so love the format there where I can put blogs in groups so efficient. I do have have a Google + but don’t understand it and really never go there. Well fall come to AZ in late November, except for higher elevation such a Prescott and Flagstaff. I always find I am so busy this time of year that I don’t get up there. I much rather go to OR and see family and see fall there, so wonderful. I have found that at my age, I only do what I want on my blog and nothing else, life is just too short to do it any other way for me. Always enjoy your perspective in images and these are awesome, glad we are friends and I get to see you once in a while. Oh forgot I do IG but find it tiresome a lot of times and pull back at those times. Social media if fine in doses would much rather met photography friends in real life. Have a wonderful day Barb.
Hi Barbara, I’m sorry, I can’t remember if I replied to you on this post or not … but thanks for responding. I agree … small doses of social media is the only way to go. I just wonder if I’m spending too much of my life on this stuff :(
I am so late to this party but I remember when I read it, I wanted to comment, then did not sign it to do it and here I am over a week later! I do have a Twitter account and follow a variety of people ~ do I use it ~ hardly ever! I do tweet out my new blog post when I do one and sometimes respond to something I read. What I find Twitter is good for is real time stuff. Recently there was a big court case here and the press were live tweeting what was going on ~ it was very high profile and it was nice to be able to pick up my phone and read what was going on instead of waiting to get home to see the news.
I only allow registered users to comment on my blog ~ I did leave it open for awhile but was getting spammed up the wazoo so I changed my settings. I receive my comments via email so I usually respond to people via email. Question for you on this topic ~ when you reply here to a comment ~ does the comment leaver receive any sort of notification? Just wondering :)
I read most of my blogs via Bloglovin ~ on my phone and have become a lazy comment leaver. Perfect example is this post ~ I find it easier logging on to the laptop to leave comments. Maybe if I was reading on a tablet it would be different but on my phone ~ I just do not take the time.
Autumn this year has been near perfect ~ we have had a great mix of warmer days and cold ~ the rain is not constant ~ we still have leaves on some of the trees and the colours have been picture taking worthy.
Enjoy Arizona! xo
Hi Lori, thanks for joining in the conversation! My blog posts are tweeted automatically through Share-a-holic and like you, I sometimes follow some local event or weather, but that’s it. People have to sign in with a name and e-mail to comment on my blog and yes I do get a notice when someone comments – there’s a setting for that in WordPress. I was receiving so much spam (which only very occasionally would actually show up on a blog post) most of the time Askimet would catch it and I would just have to go in and empty my spam folder. I got thoroughly sick of that so now I’ve closed comments on posts that are over 15 days old. I’ve also closed comments on all pages and now I may get 1 or 2 spam emails a week!! Love that! I follow blogs with Feedly. It seems there is always something though, lately I’ve been getting weird porn followers on IG and am getting fed up with that too …