Well, my husband and I just spent the week-end with two of our grandsons, ages 3 ½ and 15 months. To prepare, first of all, on Friday I took a trip out to Costco, our fridge was empty and that needed to be remedied pronto! Our house was also void of new and interesting toys, books and puzzles. Next a quick trip over to Chapters where I picked up the delicious cherry chocolate filled candy canes that they have there. Last stop, Old Navy where I found two white t-shirts and matching jeans for very reasonable prices – hmmmm, why would I do that you may wonder? Well, Grandma had a plan and the photographer in her was dreaming and scheming and the above photo explains it all. I did not end up getting the perfect photo – lighting was poor and babies were busy (but really enjoying their treat)! The photo session lasted all of 10 minutes and the white t-shirts are now looking a bit like they have been tie-dyed – I don’t know if they can be salvaged . . .
But I’m glad that I tried (it was exhausting) because now I have a photo to remember our wonderful week-end before Christmas. I did learn from the “photo shoot” experience and maybe next time my results will be better.
What is important is that both boys played endlessly with the new toys, ate their pasta with gusto (baby threw it around the kitchen with as much gusto) and slept “like babies” in their beds at Grandma and Grandpa’s.
Having them with us for the week-end gave us such joy. When your baby grandson comes to you and snuggles into your arms for comfort, accepts your love and is instantly calmed, and when you hear your 3 ½ year old grandson playing with his toy figures and they are saying “I love you so much, I love you so much, Grandma”, well what on earth could be better or more important? I can’t think of one thing.
Love it!