Here’s another photo of my lovely Medalta pottery bowls, and while I started the edits in LR, I did allow myself to take it into Photoshop to finish it up.
I’m so much more pleased with the results this time.
I used a series of similar images in a collage last week for Friday Finds. I had challenged myself to see if I could create a collage from start to finish in LR, and while the results weren’t great, I posted it anyway. It’s part of my ongoing struggle with LR, which I am proud to say I am slowly conquering. Slowly.
This morning I received an e-mail from Pinterest saying that they had removed one of my pins due to a copyright complaint. Gasp! I almost had a heart attack! But they were quick to explain that the complaint was not directed toward me, it was against another user. Hmmm, in the future, I think I’m going to be more careful, maybe visiting the original site and reading their policies before I re-pin something. Stealing content is the last thing I want to be accused of. This has been my first brush with the dark side of Pinterest.
Today this country bumpkin is heading into “town” with friends for a day of shopping and lunching. The perfect antidote to the March blahs…
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Texture Tuesday at Kim Klassen dot com
Oh this shot is stunning Barb. There’s something so soothing about it. Great work.
Barb, this is a nice color palette. Thanks for sharing (mmm, nuts are much tastier when you have to work to crack them!)
Beautiful arrangement….great shot. Love it.
I love the way the light is falling on the nuts on the left of the bowl, so soft and lovely. Gee wiz about Pinterest Oh I wish I was there to go to lunch with you, even if I had to brave the cold. Have fun anyway I will just be envious.
The light is wonderful, so is the texture on the linens. Very nice shot!
i don’t pin, but i often worry about bloggers who share other folks’ photos and things. i’ve only used a couple of items from the web and always try to include the source, still…
*sigh* Yep I just love the white bowls and the simplicity. So inviting. And, the same thing happened with me and Pinterest. It really made me think hard about how I use it and how others are too!
Beautiful photograph. The texture and lighting give it such a comforting feel. ☺️ I always love to see your photos. I have been thinking about Lightroom but I feel I still don’t know enough about Photoshop Elements yet. Hopefully I will get there!
Beautiful photo…love the composition.
That is disconcerting about the Pinterest copyright.
Great image!
Exactly why I’m not a fan of Pinterest. My daughter has a wedding board on there, so I am using it for now, but not comfortable doing so.
Very nice edit on your image. Be patient with LR; it’ll pay off! I use LR and PsCS3 in tandem.
Great image, Barb, and it sounds like you have a wonderful day planned.
Enjoy every moment.
Very very pretty!
I love the colors and composition!
Best, have a great week!
Your image is stunning! I love the composition and the light.
So sorry to hear about Pinterest – I’ll have to be more careful too!
I hope you enjoyed your lunch and shopping trip!
Love the white on white, so calm, so soothing. And I think tomorrow I’m going to an antique store to look for some good old dish towels or such to use as backdrops and underneath the subject of my photo. You’ve put the bee in my bonnet!
I would hardly call you a “country bumpkin”….but do hope you had a wonderful time today with friends. Always a fun day. Lovely bowls and the nuts add just the right touch!!
Wonderful Great composition. And my two favorite nuts, almonds and filberts (hazel nuts). The nuts and your bowls go well together.
I’m sorry for that scare you had on pinterest, I can imagine the awful feeling in your stomach especially because of the complete un-intention on your behalf. There’s so many times when I look at your photos and think that at least once you should be given the chance to be the photographic and styling editor of a home and garden magazine. Renee
I seem to love anything white, and this post is perfect. Love how you set it up with the nuts. I need to experiment with setting up some still life photography. ~Happy Tuesday Hugs~
Peabea :)
So glad to see your lovely bowls again! I love the natural feel of this image!
Beautiful still life, and I love your edit!
your bowls…. oh my… your image… A-Mazing……..
and aack on the pinterest thing…thanks for the heads up lovely…