Happy Leap Day!
What are you doing to celebrate this auspicious day? I’m starting new African Violets from leaf cuttings, and continuing to dream of spring …… despite the reality of what we woke up to this morning …
Here are 29 moments I think were worthy of celebrating this leap day of 2016:
- Waking up at 5:00 and having a full quiet hour to myself.
- Sipping that first, hot cup of coffee.
- Watching the sky light up before 6:45am.
- Eating crispy toast and peanut butter (with a side of Nutella).
- Walking with friends.
- Kicking the soft, fluffy snow as I walked.
- Sipping hot chocolate.
- A hot bath.
- A hot lunch.
- Catching up on Instagram.
- Taking photos.
- Perfect light for taking said photos.
- Pretty sheer curtains in the kitchen … perfect as a photography background.
- Feeling like I have my groove back.
- Sitting at the kitchen table with my computer, editing photos, and working on my blog.
- Flipping through inspirational books.
- Sipping apple cider tea from Teavana.
- Listening to Norah Jones.
- Watching birds and squirrels at the feeder.
- Having a fire going in the fireplace.
- Fresh flowers.
- Succulents that made it through the winter.
- A clean house.
- Knowing that supper will be leftovers (no cooking.)
- Not having to go anywhere.
- Peace and quiet in my house (and a fridge that is virtually silent.)
- I just finished a good book, and am planning to start another one today.
- It’s March 1st tomorrow. Winter, you will have to give way sooner or later.
- I wrote a blog post! Woot!
Now … can you list 29 things you think were worthy of celebrating today? You don’t have to share, just sit and let your thoughts flow out onto the page … who knows, maybe by the time you go to bed you’ll have 29 x 2 celebratory moments. That’s what I’m aiming for. Either way, I hope it was a lovely one!
TexWisGirl says
i like your snowy pine. :)
Barb says
It is pretty, isn’t it Theresa!
Linda Hoye says
What a great list! I’m going to try one of my own. Thanks for the idea!
Barb says
You’re welcome Linda!
Mary says
the snow is beautiful … what a lovely contract with the purple of the violets. and thank you for sharing your 29 things list. #1 on my list is having lunch with a new neighbor who will, I think, soon become a friend.
Mary says
oops, I’m sure you know I meant “contrast” :-)
Barb says
I do, Mary! and I do hope you and your neighbour become good friends!
Lisa Gordon says
Great list, Barb, and what a pretty scene you woke up to.
We’ve had almost no snow this year (plenty of cold, though!), and I’ve found that I really miss it.
Happy day to you!
Barbara Marincel says
Barb, you make even snow in March look lovely! And I love your list…I will have to do one myself (it will just be a few days late). For myself I love the times I have numbers 12, 14, and 27 from your list…so they might just pop up on mine!
jeanne stone says
loving your violet starts and bet they are going to be gorgeous. Looks as if you still have quite a bit of winter there!