We haven’t been up 3 minutes . . .
I’ve been thinking that I’ve been neglecting my blog and I’ve been fretting about it. This past week I’ve been staying with two of my grandsons *whew* busy busy busy!
There was not a toy to be seen when we went to bed last night. I took this photo to impress upon myself that THIS is what I’m doing. THIS is what’s important at this moment.
Blogging and scrapping have to be put on the back-burner for now. You get back what you put into something and I can’t even put into words how I feel when they come running to me with huge smiles on their faces and give me big hugs and kisses. Nothing compares to that. I take it as proof that I’m doing something right.
OK, there’s a kerfuffle going on in the living room and I need to give these two some breakfast! TTYL!!
Love the “topsy-turvy” feel you gave an already “topsy-turvy” morning by angling the shot. Have fun! I’m exhausted just LOOKING at your photo :)
I’m impressed with the inventory of toys you have available for your grandsons! I have only great-nieces, but for several years, I’ve had a cabinet full of playthings for babies to 9-year-olds. Enjoy!
Enjoy your grandsons. Not sure I can remember the last time I had tots around my house. I have nieces and a nephews and they’re all adults now. But I do remember how much fun it was to let everything else go for sake of playing with them.
Fun and exhausting, the life of a grandmother with 2 precious grandsons. We miss you, but know that what you are doing is more important than blogging right now. See ya’ soon.
that is sweet!
They are truly the best things in life aren’t they!
Lucky you! Two gran kids and so sweet:)
My first one is 3 weeks old and I can’t wait to play with him and to be busy busy busy!
How sweet, makes me glad that mine is more grown up.
Haha! Makes me laugh. The toys don’t even get put away here most of the time so every once in awhile I can blog and do something else.
Your priorities seem in the very best of order -can’t beat hugs, kid’s innocent smiles and kisses. This photo was very therapeautic for me, i forget that when my kids make a mess that it’s perfectly normal for them t do that and it’s what goes on in all houses too!
A priceless picture for sure! I get those feelings with my 3 grandsons. Don’t you wish you could bottle that?!