I’d like you to meet Deb. She’s a neighbor and friend who fairly recently moved to our area.
Well, actually it’s been over a year and a half since Deb and her husband moved into their beautiful new home here on the lake but it’s only been about a year since we became friends. We met through her sister-in-law Diane whom I’ve known for many, many years. It was last June that they asked me to join them on their daily walk. I immediately accepted and my life has grown and been enriched because of it.
Deb is passionate about her baking and cooking which I find very intriguing. I love it when someone has a passion. I can feel her enthusiasm every day on our walks. One of her first questions will be “what are you having for dinner”? I’ll mumble something about throwing a pork chop on the BBQ and baking a potato … and then quickly ask her what she’s having (change the focus).
It’s usually something encrusted with crumbs and herbs accompanied by some incredible vegetable dish with seasonings I have never even tried. So inspiring!
She’s been baking bread since grade two, and growing up she was inspired by her mother and her grandmother and their love of the kitchen and garden. She also loves cooking with fire and using great appliances … .
When I asked her if I could interview her to learn a bit more about why she does what she does, she gracefully accepted. While we chatted she poured me a hot coffee and fed me bits of fresh breads and cakes.
After baking a loaf of bread you must let it cool for 2 hours before slicing it. Then you need to break it apart and taste the crust, much like testing a wine. Then you try the “crumb” which is the bread and don’t be putting any butter on it!
She also pulled out some tasty treats like this danish in the bottom right corner …
OK. Somebody stop me.
Deb tells me she has taken over 20 classes at different colleges, as well as one in Italy!
She just finished a 4 day “boot camp” bread-making class at NAIT where she was at the school at 7:00 am and didn’t leave until 7:00 pm. When I asked her for a recipe she handed me a chart with strange words like “poolish” and “starter” and “levain”. But scariest of all was that they don’t use measurements, they use percentages. Of course! it all makes sense; if you combine 70% ARW flour, and 30% rye flour as well as 100% water, 0.1% yeast and 0.2% salt, you will end up with a lovely Rye Poolish …
Alrighty then! so this is her stove … how amazing is that? It’s La Cornue from France no less and it’s a real beauty. I could have spent an hour photographing it.
I hope you’ve enjoyed meeting Deb. She may turn up in another post some day since she has a Forno oven and I’d love to see that one in action!
Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!
Look at all those different whisks! I could spend all day photographing those!
Oh my gosh Barb!!! This is simply fantastic – meeting your neighbor and grand chef!! I LOVE the stove!! I have used a bread starter which is just awesome, but I get lazy and let it go. The percentage thing…I would need a calculator and good scales. Her bread and pastry are so scrumptious!! And I LOVE her turquoise tea kettle on the stove, behind all the whisks. Such a wonderful and fun interview!!
Thank you so much Beverly! I could have spent a couple hours just photographing her kitchen!
So enjoyable this morning to meet your friend! Her kitchen is quite amazing! The stove….wow! I’ve always admired those that can bake pastries and breads. Just the thought of yeast scares me! Great interview and images!
Thank you Cathy!
HeHe I think I would take up residence there, great interview and now I am so hungry. Thanks a lot BARB……
lol Barbara! ;)
What a pleasure to meet Deb! Your interview with Deb was joy to read. I love making new friends. Like you, passion is something I love to see flourish, and Deb’s passion for baking is apparent in every photograph. Your pictures make the interview shine and I really felt a part of the conversation. Looking at the photos of what must be the most delicious bread ever, I couldn’t help but think . . . it’s nice that they walk together to walk off the treats! Deb’s kitchen and her baking tools and appliances are glorious! What a blessed friendship!
Thank you so much Donna! And you are spot on — walking has become a necessity! ;)
How lovely to take daily walks with someone so nice ! I LOVE her stove, oh my…..envy….. ! Great photos as always, and I loved meeting Deb :)
what a lovely post!!! So sweet! I can’t bake anything – and I mean not a thing!
This is a fascinating post! I’m always intrigued by people who have a passion for cooking and baking … as I do not! That bread looks like perfection. Well, so do the pastries. I’ll bet you gained 5 pounds just sitting there talking to her!
Great spot light on Deb. I am amazed at what people can bake, that is not my strong suit. Amazing stove! I love bread so it is a good thing she doesn’t live near me. LOL!
wow! she really DOES have a passion!
What an awesome experience! Thanks for sharing with us. Will you share her? :)
Lovely story and great photos, especially the bread photos. Thank you for sharing about your special friend.
How lucky you are to have a friend like Deb! Good food and great conversation is the best combination. Wonderful images, love the stove.
Yours is the FIND of the century! Wonderful interview, story, and photos! I want that blue stoe.
I want to be her neighbor too!!!! :-)
What a talented woman, and everything looks so yummy.
how delightful! I love it when others are passionate about what they do too…its so infectious! thanks a million for sharing
Oh I can smell the bread my favourite…
I’m speechless….
What a great idea to spotlight an interesting neighbour — and one with such a photogenic kitchen and yummy creations. I made my first bread in a long time yesterday and am now inspired to make more..but I will take it slowly…
I cant tell you how much I enjoyed this post. I read it last night and thought of it today again . Another Artist. You attract them into your world.
Inspirational and the photos just lovely.