It’s time to set my intentions for 2016.
I mean … January is almost over! How did that happen!? But not to worry, I’ve been puzzling over this for quite some time and I think I have some answers.
As I was reluctant to let go of my word for 2015 (which was “celebrate”) I became stuck. It was exactly what I needed at the time, but now it feels old.
So, my apologies “celebrate” I’m leaving you … and it’s not me, it’s you. Oh, and if it helps, I haven’t left you for another word, I’ve left you for a quote. A quote that’s been sticking in my head for a couple months and won’t go away. I wrote about it in November when I posted My Art is not Frivolous.
I want to live my life as artfully as possible, and I think it’s going to take me a full year to discover exactly what that means. Oh, I do love a challenge! and I think the possibilities are endless.
Today I’ll reveal some of my intentions. Others I’ll keep closer to my h(art.)
It all kind of came together when I created this image for the new class Be Still | One Year [Wiser] with Kim Klassen.
In December Kim and I had been discussing how much stuff we had and I was complaining about all the time I spent organizing it. As a still life photographer, props can take over your life (if you let them.) Now don’t get me wrong, I love my props. But added to all my usual props, I was hoarding many plants from summer that I couldn’t seem to let go. Ferns, succulents, ivy (which all need watering, pruning, and transplanting, as well as a sunny place to sit.)
Then I heard myself explaining how one day I was in Home Depot and I spied some unusual and perfect succulents, and I ended up buying four! When one would have been enough … or maybe none … especially in winter. What was I thinking? Well, I’d have to say I wasn’t.
I went on to divulge that I’d also been to Winners that day and had gone around gathering stuff … like there was no tomorrow (this is a bit embarrassing) but it was all so inspiring and tempting. New props, new photography opportunities.
I paid for everything, watched the clerk wrap it carefully, and carried several bags out to my car. When I got home, rather than making a simple cup of tea and sitting for a moment, I had to unwrap it all and then find a place for everything. That for me is the worst part. Finding a place for everything. I suddenly felt overwhelmed to the point of exhaustion. Really, Christmas was coming and I had more important things to be doing. I decided right then and there that I had to turn this around. I packed everything up, made sure I had my receipt, and returned it all the next day.
As I was explaining this to Kim, she was flabbergasted, since she had been feeling the same way. So, to make a long story a bit shorter ;) we made a pact to avoid Winners for the entire month of January, and so far I haven’t been in one since that fateful day in December. I extended my vow to include any and all similar stores (and I know the ones.)
So what does this have to do with my intentions for 2016? Well, here are a few:
- I will avoid Winners completely until the end of February. Baby steps. If I say I’ll never go back, well … you know … .
- I will carefully consider where and when I spend my money and my energy.
- If I bring something home, something has to go.
- I will live my life artfully. I’m not 100% sure what that means but I am going to find out.
I’m finally coming back to life after the Christmas holidays, a very busy January, and a bout with the flu.
I suddenly feel revitalized, and am excited about 2016 and all that it may bring. To start with, I have a small blogging announcement (in my next newsletter.)
I hope you stay with me this year as I go about discovering how to “make living itself an art” and reveal more of my intentions.
Michelle B says
My husband and I have had the same conversation about too much stuff, yet we continue to go to flea markets and find things we cant live without. (?) I am hoping this year we will cut down on those shopping trips. What a wonderful intention for the new year. Have you ever heard of the book ‘Living Artfully: Create the Life You Image’ by Sandra Magsamen? It may give you some ideas… I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. :)
Barb says
Thank you so much for stopping by Michelle. I was actually looking at that book but decided to think about it because I wasn’t sure … now I will absolutely take a closer look! Thank you so much!
Caz says
Since I moved to Michigan, I haven’t found any stores, antique or otherwise, that tempt me. In NC , we used to go to an antique mall very frequently and would invariably bring something home every time. So I’ve been cutting down too ( and not missing it either ! ) . I love your idea of Living Artfully and look forward to watching your journey :)
Barb says
High fives Caz! ;)
Roxi Hardegree says
I always enjoy your blog and your frankness. I haven’t bought a thing in nearly a year since I got my studio props organized. And I haven’t done much still life since either tho. Thought that would change this month too but so far it hasn’t and I haven’t even posted on my blog since December! BUT I can say I have been LIVING an artful life this month and cherishing it even though it doesn’t show on the web.
Barb says
Thank you so much, Roxi … I know – I feel like I was brutally honest and feel a little sheepish about it. However, does it ever make a person accountable!!
Kelly Kardos says
LOVED this post Barb. I’ll be along for your ride for sure. I think my jaw dropped when I read you returned everything to Winners! I think I’m reading a little bit of me in your words! I DO love to look tho! I like your idea if something comes home, something else has to go…I wouldn’t quite know what to throw out! I can tell I’m becoming a prop hoarder!
Lisa says
I love my visits here. Your Art is stunning and I get intimidated on IG yet I wil keep on going. We all need to get where we are going . I stopped collecting months ago. I had to as I too felt it get out of hand and always went back to my favs.
Lovely shot and intentions.
You inspire me and always have. Happy Week ahead and stay warm. Sunny today and hope you got out to enjoy it. I did for a few moments.. I obsessed with my freakles and had them all removed. :) and do not want them back. Yup you can do that now. How things change just like art.
cathy @ ma vie trouvee says
Happy New Year Barb! I love that you have selected a quote for the year and a wonderful one! Oh my.. staying out of winners for a month would be the equivalent of me staying out of home goods…. in fact I think they are owned by the same company. and like you …. I do not need any more stuff! I had 222 boxes of “stuff” in storage for eight years. Try finding a place for that much stuff!!!
odile lm says
I always love to read you Barb! You write with such honesty, such artlessness and candidness with a huge sense of humor and a pitiless eye on yourself…
I can understand the feelings of sheepishness and guilt after spending too much money on things I didn’t really need… I’m not different from many of us and happened to feel guilty after some unnecessary purchases…
As I don’t own a car anymore I rarely go to malls outside the city and by the way I’m not tempted… that’s more easy for me!
Living an artful life is indeed a big challenge and I hope you’ll give us many useful advice to reach the first step of it… that’s really a great idea which calls for new ways of considering and thinking photographic art as well as fine arts rather than new props… looking forward to reading your beautiful posts along 2016 Barb!
Thank you for this relevant quote by Henry Miller and your wonderful “almost black & white” picture!
Barbara Marincel says
Barb, I love reading your blog, and this has got to be one of my favorite posts ever! I was cheering you on when you described your adventure returning your purchases to Winners. :) I love your quote for the year–there are so many different directions you can go with it–and I’m looking forward to sharing in your journey this year. Such a wonderful goal; I’m definitely planning to pick your brain!
Tanya says
Thank you so much for your insights. I also have been having this conversation with myself for the last few months. I have not been to a Joann’s or Michaels for months as I am addicted to hobbies! I do not need any more and until I begin to use what I have or to release them to somewhere else, I need nothing more!
Bless you on your journey! We’re along for the ride.