This butterfly must have got the memo . . . otherwise, why would it be here? Does it not know that we just had 10cm of heavy wet snow dumped on us over the weekend?
I was standing at the kitchen sink looking outside and thought, I’m going to go for a walk – right now. I know the kitchen needs cleaned. I know the groceries need to be put away. I know, I know, but . . .
I gathered up my trusty camera and tripod – I had seen some dark-eyed juncos at our bird feeder and thought I might catch one of them. But, I didn’t have much patience today so I took a walk to the lake. The snow we received is now melting and mushy and it’s about 6 degrees Celcius. A nice day here. Then I walked back up to the house and sat down on a chair in the middle of my muddy, dead looking garden and decided to sit and think about things.
And lo-and-behold, look who flies in and lands on a crispy fern leaf! I almost fell over myself trying to get a good shot and since I always have my camera on burst mode, I managed to get several pretty good ones.
I’ve identified it as a ‘Green Coma’ and the description I found on the site “Insects of Alberta” certainly would confirm it:
The Green Comma is a uncommon widespread species found south of the tree line from British Columbia to Newfoundland. Its preferred habitat is mixed wood and spruce forests. The adults are strong fliers on the wing from April to October. They over winter and mate in the spring, with only one brood per year.
Texture: ‘plaster squared’ by Kim Klassen
on colour burn (not normally a mode I would use).
Helene says
Love this ‘adventure’ you had…especially since you put things aside to do what you love. And, it paid off! Great photo! By the way, I need to move to burst mode…thank you!
Deanna says
Moments like this I call little miracles. How wonderful!!!
TexWisGirl says
a surprise and a beauty! :)
Nadege, says
A beautiful surprise.
Lori says
Good thing that you decided to sit and contemplate or you would have missed it ~ beautiful shot!
Seeing Each Day says
What do I love about this photo? Everything. The contrast of the orange against the brown/ neutral leaves. The incredible clarity of the butterfly, the angle of the butterfly…I could go on. I also love that you listened to you and put off the chores for a while to take that time – I bet your butterfly find kept you going for the rest of the day.
Evelyn S. says
Such a pleasant…and beautiful…surprise! You’ve certainly captured it so well, too, Barb.
Pieces of Sunshine says
A little spontaneity can go a long way! Great capture and a marvel to see considering your weather.
Micha S. says
Wow, all of your pictures are realley great shots! Congratulation!