The other day after a difficult dentist appointment, I stopped in a parking lot to gather my thoughts, and before I knew it my eye was drawn to a few tansy peeking through a fence.
There are not many left out there in late September, and I was delighted! I snapped them off (I didn’t have my clippers) and rushed home to play ;)
September does that to me… everything becomes a little more precious, a little more intense.
And so I thought I’d write a “Gratitude” post.
I’m grateful for:
- finding tansy in a parking lot in late September
- an abundance of apples from my friends’ orchard
- autumn leaves
- hot coffee and/or tea
- being able to make a quick run to a grocery store and buying whatever I want
- baking apple crisp
- the smell of dinner in the oven
- the furnace kicking in on a frosty autumn morning
- travelling with my hubby
- arriving home safely
- sleeping and recuperating after travelling
- my family
What are you grateful for today? I hope you have a good one!
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Melodie Beatty
Lovely post, Barb! Your tansy wreath is so pretty!