Have you had a chance to check out the class Fix Photos Fast with Actions by Linda Sattgast which I’m offering at a discount price? If you are at all interested, please don’t wait … I can personally attest to the fact that you will be getting more than your money’s worth, and the offer ends tomorrow night.

Final Image
I used a few of Linda’s Photoshop actions on this peony image to create an invitation for an “imaginary” garden party I plan to hold in July ;) oh wait … I think I’m having a garden party all summer long …
Here’s my original image, straight out of camera:

I played the action “Lighter: Shadows/Highlights-minimum” and with one single click I achieved what I was going for; I wanted to lessen the shadows but I didn’t want to blow out the highlights on the peonies. Ya gotta love these results …

Then I played “Smart Sharpen-Low” and “Color: Boost” which gave just the right amount of color without being overwhelming. I could have played more using the mask to brush away some color, but I had to stop somewhere! It’s addictive and it could not be easier.
Subtle, but powerful changes:

Lighter: Shadows/Highlights-minimum, Smart Sharpen-Low, Color: Boost
The class comes with a money back guarantee so you simply cannot lose … .
Click here to find out more about this class.
Thank you for dropping by and have a wonderful weekend!!
You’re beautiful photos have convinced me to give this a try. I hope the learning curve isn’t too steep.
Oh! I’m so thrilled Susan! Linda Sattgast is an amazing teacher and I wouldn’t promote her if I didn’t believe in her wholeheartedly! I’ve “known” and learned from Linda for years – she’s truly an expert teacher. Learning Photoshop is challenging but oh so rewarding!
Do you get my newsletter? There’s a download for a free Photoshop template (which I made) …
Keep in touch, and let me know how it goes.
Thank you!