Good morning! Another week has flown by and I have some fabulous Friday Finds to tell you about.
What an amazing week! I’ll start with my second best find—a chippy little green door … to.die.for. but I think I say that about every treasure I drag home … look at that chippy goodness, the dirt, the scratches, the colour … swooning here … and it’s small and light, which makes it easy for me to pick up and carry around.
When I walked into One Man’s Treasure, there it was … the sun was hitting it, and I think I heard angels (just kidding). But those people that own that store can see me coming, and they set these treasures right at the front, in a very prominent position, and I’m a lost cause … .
It was just what I needed to set beside my new chippy potting bench from the Carvel General Store …
… so let the fun begin, it’s green door party time! Notice that little door knob … I wonder how many people get excited about door knobs … adore …
So, now, here’s my best Friday Find this week: Carolyn! When I first “met” Carolyn in The Studio, I knew right away she was a lovely, lively, sweet lady. She’d made some comments that made me laugh out loud, and I knew she was for real. Then, much to my surprise (because I am hopelessly reserved, and an introvert as well), Carolyn contacted me and asked if I would like to meet her for lunch. She only lives about an hour away … amazing … why hadn’t I thought of that! Um, because I am hopelessly reserved and … well you know.
Anyway, long story short—we met, we hugged, we laughed, we talked—we connected. A kindred soul who shares a passion for food, photography, and life, (hey … that’s part of my blog by-line!)
We met for lunch at 12:00 noon and didn’t leave the restaurant until 2:30, and that was only because we had some serious shopping to do.

shaky iPhone shot …
I could go on, gushing and gushing, but I’ll finish by saying how amazing it is to be a part of The Studio Online. So much goodness in there … and not just still life, but real life. On-line friends, and “irl” friends. What more could you ask for? I am already looking forward to seeing Carolyn again, she has the biggest heart (truly).
So, have a wonderful weekend everyone! We’re heading into our first long weekend of the year. The dock is in, the boat is (almost) in, and the s’mores supplies are ready.
Friday Finds at Kim Klassen dot com
oh I just love every thing about this post.
What a fabulous Friday find week for you.
So happy you and Carolyn were able to meet in real life. Perhaps a road trip my way. :)
So amazing. Such connection.
And well what’s not to love about That door. oh my.
Let’s catch up next week. Enjoy may long. Xo
Thank you Kim! It was so much fun! Yes … let’s catch up! Have a wonderful May long yourself xo
Yes you are hopeless as we all are when it comes to props, the green door is a wonderful addition to your potting bench. So good to meet a new friend and find out great things are in store for you two in getting together.
What a lovely story. I too have talked to Carolyn but just on the Internet. She seems wonderful. So glad you two were able to connect
Love your new chippy door and your potting bench! How wonderful to meet a new friend, especially one who shares your passions. Have a great weekend!
What a great meet! And that door is to die for!
really great to meet up with someone you click so well with. :)
Beautiful, creative pictures all of them. Your meeting sounds so fun,lucky you. Wish i had some near here too
i really like the studio. So many talented and sweet people
i smiled than you mentioned props, i have a collection of planks and old doors too,
Well I just love everything about this story! Sounds like you two had a lovely time. More good times in the future I’m sure… and that green door, fabulous!
Love hearing all about your lunch date. You two are so adorable. Love, love, love.
what fabulous finds – a great green door and a new found friend – perfect!
So much happiness and loveand beautiful pictures. Both of you are amazing.
Magic happens in real life . . . it was amazing to spend some time . .. not enough . .. with Barb . .. we could have had a sleepover and it wouldn’t have been long enough. Such a kind and gentle soul . . . beautiful inside and out . . . felt like we had known each other for months.
I think meeting online friends for real is one of life’s greatest joys! Each time I’ve been able to do this, the person was just as I imagined they’d be. As for the people who work in that store, I can see them smacking their lips, rubbing their hands together and their eyes rolling dollar signs every time you walk in.
How lovely to meet with Carolyn ! Like others, when I finally meet someone in real life, it’s as if we’ve always known each other ! I love your chippy green door, how perfect is that ! Have a wonderful weekend Barb !
Lucky you Barb to have found a kindred spirit quite literally on your door-step and to top it off that fabulous find of the green door! I’m sure it felt like the heavens parted when you saw that and I love your image with it and your fab potting bench.
I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Carolyn through the Studio and like you, I agree that she has a big beautiful heart. She’s so willing to offer her knowledge and assistance at a moments notice and she truly wants to help others become the most and best that they can be. It’s easy to see how you two would hit it off so well.
Thanks for your sharing about being an introvert – I can sure identify with that! Maybe we’ll have to work on it together when you and Carolyn make a road trip to Calgary?
Have a wonderful weekend!
Great blog post. Glad you were able to meet and share. I have a friend I met years ago through flickr. We have such fun when we get together for photography.
Oh, I’ve been loving your green door shots. You’re going to put that in the prop swap soon, right? :O)
So great to see everyone meeting up in person lately!
And what a fabulous Friday Find to meet Carolyn, you both look great ladies, I am so happy you enjoyed each others company. Your photographs are wonderful as usual Barb, I love your new door beside the potting bench. Wish I had a store like yours to go for treasures close to me !
Love the potting tools and the door. So fun to meet up with a fellow blogger. A couple years ago, I met the gal that originally introduced me to a writing blog and the world of blogging began. I’d done web pages for years, the old fashion html way and doing it all, but then blogging came about but I hadn’t dipped my toes into the water yet. Anyway, found out she was only an hour away and she invited and treated me to lunch. Still follow her on her sites and Facebook. The virtual world can be so fun at times. Glad you and Carolyn had a great lunch, and especially the shopping fun. :)
Peabea, visiting from FF.
When you meet a kindred blogging soul in person, it’s like well…almost as wonderful as finding that chippy door. The angels do sing, lo.
I’ve been missing out on your posts, for some reason the email subscription didn’t send them…so I am going to try another email, because I’d love to see them.
Spring yet?