I treated myself to sunflowers, and after several still life shoots, I created a collage for #ByArrangement with @sarahnotes on IG. Oh my gosh, these take me forever to set up! I usually start out with one thing and end up with something entirely different.
It didn’t occur to me to create a collage to match my still life set until this morning … after that … it was easy and the pieces fell into place. Image processed with kk_within.
We have a lovely little distressed “trunk” that we use for a coffee table and is so perfect for photos, next … a page from Anthropologie (literally) …
We had gone to Kierland Commons for lunch on Tuesday, after which we wandered around and shopped a bit. Of course I had to visit Anthropologie … oh my … talk about inspiration! I was trying to describe the feeling to hubby but I’m not too sure he got it … I was gushing … even the work table that the employees had set up to plan their displays was a piece of art, and I wanted to photograph it … .
After purchasing one item, I picked up a catalog, which is where I found the background paper for this image.
I’ll be posting my sunflower still life images (and my Anthro purchase) for Friday Finds – see you tomorrow and have a wonderful Thursday!
that’s pretty. the whole thing looks like fabric!
Oh wow Barb!! I adore this work!! Love the sweet pink flowers at the bottom. See you tomorrow!
Gorgeous image, love that sunflower and had to smile at your Anthro story ;) Look forward to seeing your new find !