I’m trying to replicate the look of a Hipstamatic shot. I followed a tutorial and I delved into curves – totally don’t know what I’m doing in curves! . . . I’m not sure if it passes the test but I kinda like it. Anyway, I caught this fella on our bird feeder – cawing his head off – yikes! it got annoying!
Grunge border, courtesy: Linda Sattgast at Digital Scrapper.
Texture – Tall Tale – Life-n-Reflection
Hi Barb, I like it!! I can imagine this birdie can make quite a ruckus!!
Looks great! Love the hipstamatic look.
LOVE this shot!! I am clueless with curves too…look forward to learning more. You did a great shot. I totally thought it was an iPhone shot.
This is a great capture!
Crows are so damn loud, aren’t they. I like your capture. I have no idea what a himstamatic look is, so I’m totally fine with this. Works for me.
Wow. Great capture!
Great shot.
Great job replicating. Impressive. And great shot.
This looks great. It has a cool moody feel. I don’t know anything about curves…yet another thing to figure out :)
I think this turned out great, and the pictures is really cool. you could print it and decoupage it onto some wood and use it as a halloween decorations and it would look really antiquey!
haha i am sure you wanted my opinion on that huh!
I like the vignetting in this shot – it does imitate the iPhone process. Ahh – so you’re into curves now!
you did good. I haven’t attempted curves yet so many things to learn so little time.
I LOVE this photo! I love Ravens, and I love the hipstamatic look and I try to get that look often. You were very successful.