Trust what you know;
have faith in where you go;
if there’s no wind, row;
or go with the flow.
I really like this quote by Ed Parrish III (when I tried to find our more about him, I came up with nada… sorry). I think it’s all about following your instincts, doing what feels right, and then if it isn’t working, trying something else.
I had fun with this one, so I thought I’d reveal the original photo. Yep, that’s my bathtub… there’s some pretty awesome light coming through the opaque window we have there. If I was building a studio, I’d have one whole wall made of this glass.
As you can see, the crop is pretty substantial (good thing my camera has 24 Megapixels to work with). However, that crack in the table kept bothering me until I lined it up from corner to corner – then it clicked! After that I made a curves adjustment and duplicated it until I was happy with the light. Then I added 2 layers of kk_0411, one on soft light, and one on color.
Texture Tuesday at Kim Klassen dot com
Thank you to Kim, for the new free texture this week.