This plant which I think is millet grows in the ditches around my yard. Every July I pick a bundle, dry it, and fashion it into a sort of topiary-style arrangement. I’ve made dozens of these and given a few to my daughters. I’m always delighted to see that they are displaying them and that they look quite nice, perched either on their mantles or tables or end tables. They are so easy to make but bring an element of simple country elegance to your house.
Here’s a quick and easy tutorial:
Pick the millet, tie it into bunches and hang from a hanger until dry (1 month or so).
Strip off leaves and arrange in an even bunch secure with elastic bands and cut stems at bottom.
Insert into rustic container and pack tightly with newspaper add some sphagnum moss voila!
Total cost, since I had all the material on hand from other projects over the years: $0.00! How much more frugal can you get?