Setting goals is an amazing way to keep on track no matter what it is you want to accomplish.
Have you found it hard to get back on your feet after the busyness of December and the slump of January? I know I have.
I was going over my archives and it seems I posted 9 times in December, and it’s been about the same for January. Not bad … hmmm … but I want to post more frequently.
So, with a new month around the corner, I’ve decided that I’m going to start setting goals:
My first goal is to post every single day in February.
This is what I did in November for National Blog Posting Month. In a weird way I find it gives me permission … permission to post the everyday “stuff” along with the more meatier content.
And I want to let you in on a little secret. During the month of November when I posted every day, my traffic increased by a whopping 27% from previous month(s) as well as from the month of December, which is when I typically see my highest traffic. I must admit I was pretty surprised when I saw those numbers in Google Analytics … so I guess you have to post something if you want readers ;) and it doesn’t have to be earth-shattering.
My second goal is to use my editorial calendar.
Every September I purchase a planner and by February it’s buried beneath a pile of magazines and well, you know: outta sight, outta mind … . It’s too bad because it could be a real life-saver for me. Not only for scheduling blog posts, but if I wrote all those cryptic notes-to-self in one place, at least I’d be able to find them (reading them is another thing … so today I vow to write more clearly and concisely as well.)
My favourite planner type is an 8 1/2 x 11 Flexi Planner from Orange Circle Studio. I like the large size, but they come in smaller sizes as well. My favourite thing about it is the coil binder—having it lay flat is essential. I also like the double format for each month: large squares of the month view with another section for writing more extensive notes (by month.) I can’t quite remember where I found this one … perhaps Walmart, or Chapters Indigo … however, now that I’ve found their site, I may start ordering right from them.
Do you use a planner? Do you have a favourite? and if you do, why is it your favourite? Do you use it for setting goals?
Also, starting this month I’ll also be sending out little emails with what I call “Gentle Encouragement“.
The simple definition of encouragement is:
♥ the act of making something more appealing or more likely to happen
♥ something that makes someone more determined, hopeful, or confident
♥ something that makes someone more likely to do something
… but please don’t worry, I won’t inundate you with email :)
Gentle Encouragement: Setting Goals
- Set a few blogging goals this month and write them down.
- Commit to writing a certain number of posts. Maybe it’s every day in February, maybe it’s twice a week. It’s up to you of course.
- Find a planner you love, and use it. Write down ideas, thoughts, and musings. Use it as a journal, an address book, an appointment book. If a friend calls, make note of what they’re talking about so you remember. If nothing else, simply write down their dog’s name … the idea is to use it so often that you can’t be without it. Keep everything in it … like receipts, clothing tags, photos (something like a Smash Book) and I guarantee that by the end of the year you’ll have a treasure that you never saw coming … and you may also be blogging more regularly. I’ll keep you up-to-date on how it’s going for me. If you decide to do this, and would like to share your posts, please feel free to add them to the link-up here as we’d all love to see them!
Have a wonderful day!
I included the above word art as a free printable in my Blogging Bits and Bytes newsletter. If you’d like to receive future newsletters and access to the occasional freebie, you can sign up here.
Looking forward to February …
I believe I can do it ;)
Hi Barb,
I thought I signed up for your newsletter but haven’t been getting it. I have just been coming over here through Bloglovin’. Would love to have the word art from this post! Will it come in a newsletter now that I’ve signed up?
Hope you’re enjoying the warm weather!
Hi Terri! it was in my Blogging Bits and Bytes newsletter so I’ve sent you a copy direct. I’ll be sending it out in my regular newsletter as well.
Dear Barb,
I loved todays Blog, just what I needed. Have a good day and I look forward to the next one.
So happy to hear that Ann!
I too have been so lax in keeping up with my blog. I think your goal of writing everyday in February might be something I should probably tackle. Maybe it will get me back in the groove. Thanks for the encouragement.
I wish you good luck Deanna! I’ll be over to have a peek ;)
i wish i had more time these days.
I know, Theresa … there does seem to be a shortage …
This post was just perfect. I wanted to set intentions and goals at the very beginning of January and then promptly forgot about it. To say I haven’t accomplished much this month is an understatement. After reading this though, I immediatly went to Amazon and order me a notebook to set my goals and keep track of my year. So thank you for the kick in the pants that I need. It should be here tomorrow and I’m leaving for vacation next week so it will go right in my suitcase. I am not bringing my computer this time so I’ll have plenty of time to work on my goals.
Page one…the quote above…I love it. Thanks so much for all your encourgment and hard work.
I wish you good luck with your goals Cheryl!
I enjoyed your post. I love to shop for a Planner, but by March I usually don’t use it any more. I am hoping to use mine more this year. I am trying ‘bullet journaling’.
(I hope that link gets you there)
With bullet journaling you use any notebook and are basically making your own planner with pages that are suited specifically for you. I am planning to make it a memory book also and will add pictures along the way. I will let you know how it goes. I am officially starting it Feb 1…better late than never. :)
Thank you so much Michelle! I actually had a look at bullet journaling and they were out of stock. Plus it looked complicated … but with your encouragement and link … I think I’ll try it your way! Thank you!
Your images are gorgeous. I’m so not good at still life even after taking Kim’s BeStill52 class. It really is an art.
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you so much for posting this.. Just what I needed to read today..
I will be here to follow along.
You sure gave me alot to think about.
Im trying to build a following and its not happening. Time to look at that a little closer but not too close.
Love your art Barb. Over the top stunning.
Thank you so much Lisa. Yes, blogging and building a community is hard work but very rewarding. But try not to stress about it, mostly just blog for yourself and you will find the joy.
Thank you Barb for the Monthly newsletter ~ it brought me here and I am already inspired ~ both for the blog planner and also trying to blog all February! I need to sign up for your monthly blogging news letter as well!
Enjoy the weekend, Barb ~ I am soon out and about finding a blog calender :)
Sounds awesome Nina!
Frankly, Barb, I hate printed planners of any kind and always when I bought one, it got lost in a drawer, almost unused. They all seem so rigid and unhelpful… I’ve been happy with my smartphone recently, it has all I need. Nevertheless, I read those comments above and my attention caught the bullet journalling that Michelle mentioned. I had a look at the idea and that virtually grabbed my attention, I feel it’s something I’d love to try. It seems so rich and practical. People using it are so creative! I started to gather ideas how to apply that system to my needs and decided to wait a few more days or weeks before starting it, to be sure I want it with all it offers and demands…
I know, it sounds fascinating doesn’t it Petra! I also noticed that Ryder may be considering an “app” for it!! Wouldn’t that be amazing? I’m going to try the bullet journal style too …
Barb, I just wanted to let you know that I did start bullet journaling and wrote a post about my humble beginnings, I added its link to your Blogging Bits and Bytes section. Have a nice day! Petra
Love the idea of a planner for the year with all of my memories! The kind of idea that makes one wonder, “why didn’t I think of that?!” And I’m definitely going to be more deliberate about my blog. I’m dealing with a nasty depression relapse so I’m not going to post every day, I think three times a week. Wordless Wednesday, Friday Five, and then another post sometimes during the week relating to spirituality. (That’s the topic of my blog, but I think photography fits in nicely as a spiritual practice.)
So the post I linked to isn’t about my blogging goals; it’s more just an example of my writing, and also a post I wanted to share, because it’s a tribute to my fantastically wonderful uncle who died last month. Thanks for letting me share!
Hi Barb, I have just found your website and I signed up to receive your Blogging Bits and Bytes newsletter. My blog seriously needs some love and attention :) I have been slowly reading through all of your posts trying to catch up on all of the great information you have given out along the way. I read somewhere that we could download a template that we could use for our blog images. I think it had space for four images? I can’t seem to find where I can download it. Is it still available?
Looking forward to receiving regular updates from you Barb.