As much as I am in denial, autumn is definitely on the way out. Pinecones and holly berries are waiting in the wings, along with shortbread and sugar cookies.
Last night’s blustery snow squall, and today’s freezing temperatures are the cold hard reality.
I just got back from shopping for groceries and my hands are so cold! I neglected to wear gloves, but at least I was wearing shoes and socks, which is something I put off for as long as possible. Sandals, sandals, sandals … to the end … brrrrrr.
So now, I shall bid adieu to autumn with a few more pressed beauties:… and another one for Frankenstein …
Dragging my b*tt today for Day 18 #nablopomo
TexWisGirl says
love the use of the pressings.
Lynn says
Oh dear sounds like winter already and here in the Niagara area we were at 15c today , it’s like another world in the same country. I am with you on the footwear , I hate shoes , just recently started wearing them again :) beautiful images as always Barb !
Nancy says
You were smart to think ahead and press those leaves because they certainly added so much to these photos…..Sounds like you are already deep into winter with lots of snow…We are being covered in a different form…rain..
Jen @ The Light Laughed says
Barb you are more than halfway! Just think, the home stretch is almost in sight…I love what you are creating during this challenge.
Aina Apelthun says
so inspiering and beautiful
it is windy and frost here in Norway
wish you a great day