Homeward bound … this late flight got us home safely and we were in bed by 2:30 am. We’re glad to be home, but are not impressed with the snow banks that greeted us …
When we left Arizona, the temperature was 35C (95F). The Palo Verde trees were blooming their little (big) hearts out!
I love these Fairy Dusters. I caught this using my Olloclip.
The desert is bursting with blooms!
And the greenhouses are packed with fresh new succulents.
The amazing Agave!
So today is a “get back into the old routine” kind of day, and a nap is certainly not out of the question.
Have a happy Saturday!
welcome back home, then!
love the peach cacti!
So glad you arrived safely! Sorry to hear about the snow mounds, that is a shock after glorious days in the desert, but you did bring some fabulous photos home! Take it easy getting back in the swing … that ‘to do list’ will wait for you, they have a way of doing that.
What a nice respite though in 95 degree sunny weather! Your instagram photos are just lovely. Love the sunshine gleaming through the palm tree. Glad you arrived home safely!
Glad you made the trip back safely, but 2:30 am hope you were able to take a nap on the plane. Love all the IG images, always so impressed when they are on the big screen how good they look. So so good. See you back in the heat soon. Have a great Easter and with family.
What a change in weather!
So glad that you had a wonderful time.
Oh you lucky lucky girl to be back in Arizona with all the cactus blooming!! Hope you had a wonderful time and welcome home!!
Oh these are wonderful, I especially love the palm in watercolor!
Welcome home! We still have snow banks as well but they are in rapid decline so that’s a good thing ~ now if the back yard did not look like a bog we would be all set! Enjoying your waterlogue series on IG ~ beautiful!
Glad to hear you arrived safely but sorry about the mounds of snow! You sure captured some beautiful images while you were here! Looking forward to your return to AZ and hopefully it won’t be too hot to get out for a photo shoot!
How my goodness . , you still do have more snow to the west. We have non left and every thing is green.. not really but its brown and no snow.
Love the photo of the plane.
I was by last night and with no energy to type.. :) Im temped to get an Olloclip . , someday perhaps. Looks like you had a grand time.
Welcome back .
Have a wonderful Sunday.
Wonderful photos Barb and LOVE the treatment you’ve given them. Welcome home!! I hope we’ve seen the last of the snow for this year but you KNOW we always have a chance for the “Easter” storm. :(
Beautiful pictures Barb! I know what you mean regarding the snow though. It snowed here last night and all day today. There forecasting more snow tonight! Have a great Easter!