Well, yesterday we had a bit of a wild day (weather-wise). It started out cool and cloudy, then warmed up a bit and the sun came out.
I was working on some of my projects, and tidying up the house a bit. The only sound I could hear was our little wren, chirping and singing just outside my kitchen window. It appears that he and his partner have decided to make our wren house their home. Very cool.
It was around 2:00 when hubby called and asked if I was listening to the news…. nope… as usual, I did not have the TV or radio on. Well, he said, you better take a look because there’s a tornado warning for our area.
Say wha? I had been aware of a distant rumbling but thought it was no more than the usual garden variety thunderstorm brewing. I went out and looked to the southeast where it was coming from, and could see a pretty black cloud, rumbling, (ominously now). A warning means there’s a tornado, it’s on the ground… omg… images of the F4 monster that devastated our area years ago, popped into my head… please… no…
I went over my safety plan… made sure the storage area under the stairs was clear enough for me to get in, I had my phone with me, and a flashlight. It was broad daylight but if you’re in a storage room with no lights…
I have to say that the best tool I had was my phone. I followed tweets from our weather channel, our local meteorologist, and some of the radio stations. I knew what was going on every single minute.
Long story short, it passed over our region without incident. Whew. Thank goodness.
These are a couple of images I took off the internet. Not good.
Here’s hoping for a calmer day today.
Cheryl M says
Oh my gosh Barb! We had tornado “watches” here lastnight (HATE it when they come at night). Our area isn’t normally “likely” to have an actual tornado as your area is. I’m so thankful that it passed by you! Keep and eye on the sky and take care, hope your day is better today!
Sherry says
Yes to calmer days. I’m glad that you were prepared and had taken safety precautions…and that it passed you by!
Jo-Anna says
Yikes! Something tells me this might be a crazy summer for weather! Glad nothing happened!
TexWisGirl says
oh, lordy! glad it did not touch down!
Suzette says
Wow! Here in Texas we had a tornado watch and I’ve never lived where there’s been tornados. Thankfully, I’d talked to my husband about it and the weather guy was very good in explaining what to do. Even though the possibility was remote that a tornado would actually touch down, I prepared my little space. Thank heavens for technology. So glad all is well in your neck of the woods. The images are scary though! Take care!
Viv says
That looks scary glad it passed you by…
Sherry Galey says
So many tornadoes this summer, causing so much havoc and damage. Seems like more than normal. Is it? Glad to hear it bypassed you. Smart to have a plan…