Everyone seems to be compiling lists of “holiday must haves” and “favourite things”… ’tis the season after all isn’t it?
I’m always very interested to see what other people love. Word of mouth is a very powerful force … if someone I trust recommends something, I sit up and listen.
So, with an open heart and honest opinion, here are a few of my favourite things!

I have extremely sensitive skin, and there are very few products I’m able to use (especially on my face and near my eyes.) But I have no problem applying Bare Minerals makeup first thing in the morning, and not removing it until evening. As a result I’m more apt to wear makeup when I go out, and that just makes me feel good. Oh, and did I mention I have to remove it in the evening? It’s one makeup that doesn’t wear off before noon—amazing!
I discovered Teavana Tea last Christmas when the store was handing out samples. Now I don’t think I could get through December without it! My absolute favourite is Spiced Apple Cider … oh my gosh, it’s a rich, soothing rooibos tea with a sweetness that’s almost sinful.
OK, like everyone else on the planet I’m in love with Pentatonix and I finally purchased two of their Christmas albums. If you haven’t seen the video, take a peek here (goosebumps!)
4. Vitamix Professional Series 200
Last summer our youngest daughter and her family gave us a Vitamix. Oh.my.gosh. Vitamix where have you been all my life?! No fruit or vegetable is safe in this house.
Store bought spaghetti sauce is a thing of the past. I now roast fresh (or frozen) tomatoes, garlic, and onions, with a bit of olive oil and with a quick whir in the Vitamix you end up with one incredibly flavourful sauce. I once made an entire (cooked) Costco-size Italian sausage disappear into it … no one had any idea it was there, but what flavour it added! :)
5. The Rayna Puffer Coat by Andrew Marc
This puffy coat is “da bomb”. It’s a packable down coat … perfect for tucking into a suitcase before heading to Arizona in January (because, well you know, we eventually have to return home and it’s usually late at night, into a snowstorm, with frigid temperatures and icy winds.) I’m usually tempted to wear it to bed that first night like a sleeping bag … brrrr … .
These pinafores were a huge hit at both “Finding Stillness 2015 and 2016” retreats with Kim Klassen.
Anyone and everyone who lays eyes on one just can’t seem to get it out of their mind. These aprons are comfy, easy to clean, soft, natural and have huge pockets. I’m currently living in mine.
Ah, Bella Grace Magazine. How do I love thee?
I became aware of this publication when Issue 2 hit the stands … I was in Barnes and Noble, and as I flipped through the pages, I slowly moved toward the nearest bench and sat down. My heart was pounding a bit … and when that happens to me, I pay attention.
The photos were so real … perfectly imperfect, and beautiful, and intriguing. The magazine itself felt like a coffee table book with beautiful, thick paper (I believe I thumbed along the edges and smelled it, and maybe even said “oh wow” out loud.)
As I skimmed a few articles, I realized I was reading pull-quotes and storylines that were highlighted or printed in different fonts and sizes … it was pure magic. I knew I wasn’t going to be leaving this treasure behind, and as I tucked it under my arm and made my way to the cashier, I know I was smiling.
8. Sweet Paul Magazine
Sweet Paul Magazine also has my heart. I love the messy food images and imperfect crafts. Just love. I usually watch for it to go on sale at the end of a season (at Anthropologie.) It doesn’t matter to me what season it is, I love it all.
And Flow magazine, artsy, trendy, unusual. I can’t remember how I first discovered it but I think it was on Instagram. I’d seen people using it in their images and was so intrigued. I buy every issue I can get my hands on.
I recently tried to purchase the latest issue at Barnes and Noble when I was in the US, but the lady who I asked said “no … we’re sold out … that magazine is freakishly popular” … not sure what she meant by that. But anyway, I think I’m going to subscribe to it.
So there you have a few of my favourite things. Hope you’ve enjoyed it and found it helpful (and oh yes, this is not a sponsored post :) wish it was ;)
You might want to check out my daughter’s list A Women’s Holiday Gift Guide. Jo’s one to watch as she’s always on top of things!
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