I’m going out on a limb today and sharing a post about wardrobe ideas for women of a certain age … so.out.of.my.comfort.zone. But hey! I’m combining it with a “Start to Finish” prompt from The Studio | Online to let autumn inspire us, then shoot a scene with some of our favourite things, so here goes … .
I chose my new grey sweater that came with a cowl/scarf, and a keychain necklace which I found at the Carvel General Store. This store is the quaintest, bestest little country gem you are ever going to find. It’s owned and operated by a mother/daughter team with whom I’ve become well-aquainted. I may not be the best customer, but I’m a good one (insert laugh) and it’s less than 10 minutes from my home! (insert double evil laugh.)
For my still life, I used the yellow leaves I’d picked from a tree in Rivers, Manitoba while attending Finding Stillness 2015. The leaves were actually what inspired me, with their lovely mustard colour and their grey specks.

LR Preset: kk_MatterFact
I have to tell you, it’s not easy getting a shot from behind and over your own head, so after many attempts, I’m calling it a day, and I’m going to go drink that tea …

LR Preset: kk_MatterFact
But first, the somewhat embarrassing wardrobe story—yes, I’m aging, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to feel good when I go out, so I paired my sweater with some leggings because they fit into my black boots quite well. However, after examining the photo, I thought the leggings may be a bit tight …
So I changed into some “skinny” pants I bought at Costco for $16.00. They felt and looked a bit better except they bunched at the knees, hence the following sit-down poses. I think in real life it wouldn’t matter much.
Oh my gosh, such geeky poses … but the thing is, I was laughing. This was quite the hilarious shoot … and it’s quite hard to hold yourself upright, suck in your tummy, and smile realistically …
So what are my wardrobe suggestions?
- Buy clothes that fit. You just look better. I know, I know. I don’t like back rolls, or sticky out tummies either, but a tight upper body-shaper helped whip mine into submission, plus it will keep me extra warm as temperatures drop. And gosh darn it! I’m over 60 so I’ve earned the right to have lumps and bumps.
- Spoil yourself with a new sweater for autumn. And some new skinny pants. And all the new underwear you need.
- A scarf and/or jewelry will add a touch of flare and pizzazz. I love this “key” chain. I don’t like a lot of jewelry, and I don’t wear earrings, so it’s the perfect piece for me.
- Consider some chic boots—you will be impressed at how amazing they make you feel as you charge through an airport. But be sure to take them off at security … anything to try to avoid that alarm and then the old pat-down.
- A small leather clutch purse with an over-the-shoulder strap is perfect for someone with a small frame. I also have a mega bag in which I put the small purse when I’m on a trip, so technically I am over the limit on carry-ons, however no one is the wiser.
Also, get a good haircut at least every four weeks, and a manicure (or polish your nails) every two weeks. A wee bit of effort goes a long way, and will leave you feeling so much better about yourself (at any age.)
Now the hardest part … I just have to hit “publish” … eek!
Thank you for dropping by today!
You look fantastic. I love this post. But Who took the pictures of you 😊🎉🎉🎉❤️🍂🍁
And thanks for reminding those of us over 60 to look good when we go out!!!
Thank you Ann! I used a tripod for the whole shoot – I did a ton of running around, back and forth, up and down … if I wore a fit-bit it would have blown up! :)
Too funny Barb!! I’ve done that myself and it’s a workout for sure! LOL
I love the image you made. Did you use the timer as Kim described? Looks so hard to do. I think you look tres chic in your fall outfit. Great advice too. It’s still quite hot here(SoFl) but I’m trying to think fall.
Thank you Anita! Yes, I was using a timer and it is hard to do!
you are so beautiful….. and I love this post.
So glad you hit publish….
i love the colors in your still…and the fact they you included leaves from Rivers. : )
and I love your style Barb.. Did I tell you that when you were here? Seriously… LOVE…
beautiful YOU…
xo, Kim
Thank you Kim! xo
Ah, this is simply amazing!! You are the most talented gal (over 60) I know! I love your fashion tips!! Just had a manicure with massage today!! Loving that simple pleasure. Now I just need to find a good quality Fall sweater. A m a z i n g post!! 💜💜
Thank you Beverly! You are the bestest too! :)
What a fantastic post, Barb! Full of great advice and gorgeous images. You look beautiful, as always, and I love your grey nail polish! I just painted mine a similar color, and I think it’s perfect for fall.
Thank you Gigi!
Barb, you look amazing! thank you for the great tips and links … and since I’m past due for a mani/pedi, what’s the nail color? LOVE it!!
Hi Mary, I had a manicure so the nail polish was just a number on a bottle so I don’t know the name. At first I didn’t want grey but the young woman convinced me ;)
You’re adorable, and I LOVE your hair!
Thank you Andrea!
What a fun post! And you look so lovely in gray, Barb. Gray is my favorite neutral. Thanks for sharing this autumn inspiration!
Thank you Sharon!
Hello – Your blog and this beautiful post in particular has resonated with me on many levels. Gorgeous photography, inspiring content, and wonderful words. Thank you kindly for sharing!
Thank you so much Joan! I so appreciate your kind comments!
I love your style!
Thank you Gail!
you are so stinking cute!! :) i love your style and your great suggestions. although i’m not quite sixty – i have plenty of lumps and bulges as well. kuddos to you for publishing such a great post!!
Thank you, and you’re welcome Kelly! ;)
You are TOO CUTE! Great advice! Really do want that sweater! I have the leggings, but mine are too loose- so I need MORE! I’ve been afraid of skinny jeans- not so sure about that. I had a manicure today- but love YOUR color! Lonnie and I just had a photo shoot done with a pro for our church directory. I wore black and my body faded into the backdrop- which I think was a good thing! Actually the photo turned out great- although VERY posed. I am coming back to revisit this page- I love your style!
Barb – you look GREAT! Awesome post – ADORE the clothes and you – and beautiful pictures! :)
Love your post here today Barbara. The grey looks great on you and seems to be the new color this season. Lovely photos with great light and nice fall colors in the background. High boots. I also love them.
Enjoy your weekend and take yourself somewhere nice now that your all dressed up.
Love the post Barb,You look great always, and inspired me greatly in many ways
Great post Barb! I just went to my favorite downtown store on Tuesday, where I know the owner well, and let her have her way with me. I went back yesterday for a few more things. I hate spending money on clothes, but I was also tired of looking and feeling frumpy. I am not over 60, but I am pre-menopausal, so plenty of issues. Plus I have spent a considerable amount of my daughter and husband this year, so I figured it is almost October, I am finally due for some new nice things.
Hi Sarah! how fun! Looking “put-together” really does help with how we feel about ourselves. I at least feel more confident when confronted with daily life. Thanks for stopping by today!
I have to tell you that I absolutely positively ADORE this post….the images of you are wonderful Barb…..don’t fool yourself…..you look amazing! I have tons more lumps and bumps that you could imagine! LOL
As I see images from your time together at Kim’s Studio, I’d dearly love to know where all those sweaters come from that I’ve seen!
Amazing post and I’m so glad you hit “publish”!!
Question: What kind of trees are those in the background that have the red berries? BEAUTIFUL setting!
Thank you so much, Cheryl! I find great sweaters at little boutiques and specialty shops like the one I mentioned. I also find some at Winners, altho not as much luck there. I even bought two while visiting Kim in Manitoba. One at a drugstore in Rivers, and one at Lady of the Lake and I adore them both. That tree behind me is a Mountain Ash and it’s never had as many berries as it does this year – I’m quite amazed at the amount really. Thanks so much for stopping by today dear friend!
Barb, you certainly look fantastic and that outfit is perfect for you . I am petite too only 5ft and can never get the long boots to work for me but you look great . I did buy two pairs of skinny jeans because I love them now , got mine at Rietmans .
This post is so fun and creative you are so talented and the grey with the mustard leaves is perfection in itself. I am so glad you hit publish :)
hee hee hee … the best part of all of this is that i can actually hear you saying all of this! love love love. from the moment i met you, i loved your style … you’ve got it going on. cool and comfy. thank you for sharing your wisdom and giving us your sweet smile. xxo
Now aren’t you a cutie pie….Love the outfit and the accessories and oh those boots….You did a fantastic job with this post. Maybe you’ll keep doing a few of these……….
You look marvelous! Stunning, and I love the greys on you, and those boots…well they are lovely too!
Loved reading this, and finding out that you are over 60, are you kidding me? You honestly don’t look anywhere near that.
You are adorable and have a great taste! Love that you went out of your comfort zone and made a really great post…like you’ve been doing it for a while now. Beautiful Barb
I can not rock skinny jeans. I always give them to my daughters. Visiting from #BlogShareLearn.
What a gorgeous post! Your images are stunning… as I must say, are you. I love the grey sweater/black-leggings-boots outfit… it’s one I’m going to attempt to pull off (similarly) myself I think. I’m a fan of grey anyway, and if you can rock leggings and boots at a-certain-age, then *crosses fingers*, maybe I can too :)
So awesome to hear, Kimmie! Thank you so much for your kind comments and for dropping by my blog!
I love your outfit here. I am not a brave dresser. I quit my job and am having a bit of a dilemma with what to wear in my new life. I have a closet full of professional clothes and not much to wear around the house or in casual situations, thus I am always looking for some inspiration. Your outfit would work for casual events.
What a great post for a lady at any age! I don’t have a picture of even my full face on my blog much less my whole self. (Hmm… I probably need to take a full face picture and put it up on my blog.) Your images look great and I love that you told us you were laughing. It does look like you were having fun. :)
Great suggestions and the outfit looks great on you. Your pics are amazing! Thank you so much for linking to #BlogShareLearn.
Love the sweater & Skinny jeans 😊. I do like grey as I like to combine it with bright colours. I bought a bright coral sweatshirt this year to go with my denim skinny leggings & boots. Such an age universal style & you look great 😊👍 #blogsharelearn
Oh Bravo Barb. I am no fashionista. I just timidly posted some wardrobe ideas for myself on Pinterest yesterday and there were lots of large on top and skinny with boots on the bottom combos. Because I too am beginning to feel that woman of a certain age feeling. I am now inspired to use a timer! And good for you for sticking your blogging neck out for this subject.
Barb, Thanks for hitting publish! I’ve just today stumbled upon your blog and LOVE it. I’m chronologically 65, but mentally still fortysomething! I refuse to “dress my age”, so run around in bermudas and sandals in the summer and leggings or skinny jeans, sweaters , and boots in winter. But lately have been wondering if I look ridiculous in those things “at my age”. Thank you so much for showing me that we are still beautiful women and should trust that the clothes that make us feel vibrant and beautiful are the clothes we should wear. Thank you! I’ll be back soon!
This is a terrific post. Loved seeing you in the pics modeling. You are a cutie. I am looking at getting me some fancy ankle boots, something this woman of a certain age has never worn.
It is important to dress for our age isn’t it? As a woman in her mid-60s I can say I’m comfortable with what I wear and although skinny pants are in fashion, it just isn’t me. I’m with you on a good haircut and/or manicure and pedicure regularly as we’ve earned these pleasures to pamper ourselves.
We can still be attractive, character lines and all with a little TLC and it really is nice to be able to discuss these things with other ladies of a certain age. :-)
I LOVE this! Good for you Barb. You look great and this can be so inspiring to so many people. I hope you consider doing more of these. xxx
Thank you so much Xanthe!
Barb, you say it so well. I was enjoying your post on blogging since I have been AWOL for most of September and October. I linked over to this post. I love your commentary and great photos here. And….I just purchased two pairs of legging on sale at Chico’s. I will consider boots. I’m wondering if we will ever have cold (cool) weather again in Southern California. It has been a record heat weave summer and Indian summer. I’m loving your “Blogging Bits and Bytes”. Very informative. Thanks.
Lol! We have to laugh while we do selfies. It’s mandatory. Love the grey. My favorite clothes lately are grey. Love skinny jeans too but I’ve grown a bunion recently which keeps me from wearing cool shoes and especially boots. Drat! It’s hard to find some that are comfortable enough. I eagerly await your next fashion show.
Such a fun post and I love your style! Nice job on the selfies!!
I’m so in love with your blog ! I love all the topics you cover! Also glad to see this post ! It’s so hard to find clothes when your over 60! I put on leggings once and I felt so self conscious I never wore them again! You, however look great in them. Maybe I’ll give it another try. Love all your recipes too !